The top 4 What Oceanory house do you belong in? results of 7 participants.
Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Oceanory house do you belong in? . |
You are the calm, caring, and intelligent Birostris. This house is the house of the Manta ray. This was the house thought up by Marcus, one of the four founders of Oceanory. Marcus was always know for not only being calm, caring and intelligent but, for his easy going, graceful nature. Who always treated people with a lot of respect.
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You are the eccentric, strong willed, and brave Orcinus. Named after the beautiful Orca and founded by Elliana, who has always been know for being fiercely independent and adventurous. But also for being extremely stubborn and strong willed.
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You are the stubborn, curious, and outgoing Sirena. Named after the amazing Manatee. This house was founded by Amelia who was known by everyone as a sensitive, strong, unique, and awkward girl.
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You are the kind, hard working, and intelligent Chelonioidea. Named after the Sea Turtle. This house was founded by Bella, who is known for being super protective, passionate, mature, and humble.
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