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▷ ▶ Division Race free Education flowcharts and decision trees.
EducationDivision Race
By vicitx1
Category: Education. Viewed 1628 times. Created April 2018.     Disclaimer.   
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Game Design in Alice 2 of a Science Game

Choose the scene for your game. I chose to use a chapter available called corvette steering.
Since this world had a corvette, a city scape, a camera, and a light, I only added two objects to the game, a fountain for decoration and a parachute I resized as a finish line.
After adding my objects I created my first event-World.Introduction.  World.Introduction ( )     No variables        corvette say Lets's Race!! duration = 7 seconds   corvette say Every time you get a division question right I'll move forward! duration = 7 seconds   corvette say Click on the me for the 1st Question!

World.1st Math Question ( )     No variables        corvette say What is 280 divided by 9?   If ( ( ask user for a number question = Enter a Number: ) == 20 )        Do together        corvette move forward 16 meters   corvette turn left 0.25 revolutions   Camera play sound World.cAR+Peels+Out (0:04.000) duration = 1 second   Camera move right 13 meters   corvette say Good Job! Click the space bar for the next question?   Else     corvette say Click on me to ttry again.   World.2nd Math Question ( )     No variables        corvette say What is 2600 divided by 2?   If ( ( ask user for a number question = Enter a Number: ) == 1300 )        Do together        corvette play sound World.cAR+Peels+Out (0:04.000) duration = 1 second   corvette move forward 60 meters   Camera move forward 60 meters asSeenBy = corvette   corvette say Good Job! Click the up arrow for the next question.   Else     corvette say Press the space bar to try again.
I then added an event: When is clicked on corvette Do: World.1st Math Question which leads to a new method.
I then creataed a second event so that When the world starts Do: corvette play sound World.cAR+Peels+Out2 (0:04.000) duration = 1 second

The next event is: When Space is typed Do: World.2nd Math Question
This leads to the method: World.2nd Math Question ( )     No variables        corvette say What is 2600 divided by 2?   If ( ( ask user for a number question = Enter a Number: ) == 1300 )        Do together        corvette play sound World.cAR+Peels+Out (0:04.000) duration = 1 second   corvette move forward 60 meters   Camera move forward 60 meters asSeenBy = corvette   corvette say Good Job! Click the up arrow for the next question.   Else     corvette say Press the space bar to try again.
The game then moves to the next event: When Up is typed Do: World.3rd Math Question
This leads to a new method: World.3rd Math Question ( )     No variables        corvette say What is 450 divided by 5?   If ( ( ask user for a number question = Enter a Number: ) == 90 )        Do together        corvette move forward 30 meters   corvette play sound World.cAR+Peels+Out (0:04.000) duration = 1 second   Camera move forward 30 meters asSeenBy = corvette   corvette say Good Job! Click the right arrow for the last question!   Else     corvette say Click the up arrow to try again.

Finally the last method is played: World.4th Math Question ( )     No variables        corvette say Here's the last question!   corvette say What is 3700 divided by 4?   If ( ( ask user for a number question = Enter a Number: ) == 925 )        Do together        corvette play sound World.cAR+Peels+Out2 (0:04.000) duration = 1 second   corvette move forward 60 meters   Camera move forward 60 meters asSeenBy = corvette   corvette say Good Job! You Won!! green fontSize = 30 duration = 15 seconds   Else     corvette say Click the right arrow to try again.
Next is a new event: When Right is typed Do: World.4th Math Question