How Do I fill out the Form in the Tax Software?
Is the TaxPayer expecting a W2?
Review The W2 for Authenticity.
Have they received their W2?
| NO
Get Tax Payer’s W2 online so they don’t have to wait for mail:
Confirm you typed in W‐2 Form (T/S, EIN, Boxes 1, 2 & 17)
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Is the TaxPayer self-employed (Cash or 1099-MISC)?
Fill out a Schedule C.
If client doesn’t bring in documentation of revenue/expense, simply have them sign the SelfEmployment
If deducting Mileage, check forced mileage.
Remember, in the software, and check mark “Taxpayer SUMMARY (not records) of income” and
“Taxpayer summary of expenses” on the EIC Form 8867
Does the TaxPayer have any other Income (1099-R, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-C, 1099-G/Unemployment, SSA, etc)?
Use the appropriate form that has populated, based on the Estimator.
For example:
1099‐R Form (Box 1,2 & 7)
Please note: If they itemized last year, the prior year state tax refund entered on 1040 is taxable income.
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Are there any Itemized Deductions (Medical, Property taxes, Mortgage interest, Charitable contributions), that in total would exceed the standard deduction?
Complete a Schedule A.
Check for completeness.
Non-Cash Contributions: Ensure the accurate dates, Business names, and addresses.
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Completing the EIC 8867:
Earned Income Credit Form
Fill out anything applicable on the “EIC Reasonableness Form,” even if the answer is “I Don't Know".
If you don’t SEE the proof of dependency/residency, don’t select that you see it.
Simply check the box: “Did not
rely on any docs, but made notes in file."
Make a
note in the “notes” if it was based on them telling you they can show medical docs or school docs.
Click “M” on EIC Form 8867
and write what client say they can provide if need be…this protects your PTIN.
The burden of proof falls on the client and not you.
Health Insurance Questionnaire:
Make sure they had coverage all 365 Days!
Inaccurate information will cause the refund to be held up 4-6 weeks-EVERY TIME!
Use the Healthcare Cheat-Sheet for step-by-sep instruction. Keep in Mind the information is for 2014, so the penalties may have increased.
If they received Marketplace insurance, make sure they have 1095-A info.
If they received a Certificate of Exemption, you MUST have the certificate information.
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Form 8863 - Education Credits / Tuition and Fees Deduction
(Married Filing Separately Do Not Qualify)
BE SURE to ask if the Hope Credit or American Opportunity Credit has been claimed for the selected person AT ALL 4 times in prior returns.
You will need the institution's
federal ID number, as found on the 1098T.
Check for accuracy.
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