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▷ ▶ Decision Map 1 free How-to flowcharts and decision trees.
How-toDecision Map 1
By sharch
Category: How-to. Viewed 1476 times. Created March 2015.     Disclaimer.   
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Decision Map

Option 1; Appeal to my Service Line Director for an Assistance Manager position
Constraint 1; provided I optimize patient & staff satisfaction

Option 2; Cultivate existing staff into the role of an assistance manager
What is the best way to maximize my time as a leader?
Constraint 2; appropriate delegation and follow-up is maintained

Option 3; Increase reliance on existing resources (CNS & US) in an attempt to meet goals
Constraint 3; provided I can streamline the performance of overlapping responsibilities shared by the Manager and CNS role

Constraint 4; Provided I can budget for the addition of an assistant role