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▷ ▶ Estimate to Invoice free Business flowcharts and decision trees.
BusinessEstimate to Invoice
By eseteach415
Category: Business. Viewed 635 times. Created November 2014.     Disclaimer.   
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What happens to a lead sheet from Estimate to Invoice? Follow this flow chart to understand how we handle customer leads in our office.

Customer contacts HRI for estimate of offered services.

Customer information written on initial call-in sheet and scheduled for estimate upon initial contact.
Representative arrives at clients' home to complete estimate (measurements, note requests, pictures, materials)

Client estimate is filed with call back sheets to maintain contact with client.
Within two days, client receives estimate via email or in person.
Client contacts office or representative to negotiate contract.
Representative may meet with client again to review and/or change initial estimate.

Client receives a phone call or an email weekly reminding them of the receiving of their expected estimate.
Client contacts office for approved estimate. Signed proposal returned to office.
Client deposit is received.

Dead files: clients who state not interested in estimate, clients with no contact after 2 months attempt.
Client job placed on schedule, as agreed upon with client.
Materials/Tools reviewed, appropriate items ordered prior to commencement of work.

Work commences.
Weekly/Lead sheets completed by Crew Members daily.
Receipts turned into office daily. (with client/job name)

Client survey received with at least satisfactory remarks.
Client remits payment to office; cash, check, all credit cards.
Client receives Closing Package. Crew members review contents of Closing Package with Client.
Work Completed.