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▷ ▶ Purchase of Goods & Services for 412 free Business flowcharts and decision trees.
BusinessPurchase of Goods & Services for 412
By Emma
Category: Business. Viewed 155 times. Created January 2014.     Disclaimer.   
    Make your own flowchart

Under £500
£500 - £3k
£3k - £5k
£5k - £30k
£30k - £50k

Signed by Heather Johnson
Signed by Jonathan James
Signed by Jonathan James
3 Quotes needed from supplier
3 Quotes needed from supplier

Do they accept Purchase Cards
Emma Dawson to process via QL
Emma Dawson to process via QL
Signed by Jonathan James
Signed by Hans Sienz


Angharad Wilkins to process using purchase card
Sarah Rees to approve order
Sarah Rees to approve order
Prof. Brown / Prof. Bonet to sign purchase order approval form
Prof. Brown / Prof. Bonet to sign purchase order approval form

Emma Dawson to send order to supplier
Emma Dawson to send order to supplier
Emma Dawson to process via QL
Emma Dawson to process via QL

Linda Rees to approve order
Steve Davies to approve order

Emma Dawson to send order to supplier
Emma Dawson to send order to supplier