Step 6: prepare and apply the PGM- specific stain to the gel
obtain a glass test tube and put a coating of aluminum foil around the tube
add 1.0 ml tris-HCL buffer, 1.5 ml NAD, 5 drops McCl2, 5 drops Glucose-1-phosphate, 5 drops of MTT to the test tube.
cover tube with parafilm and mix for a 2 minutes
wait until your gel is almost ready to be taken out of the chamber before continuing to next step
2 minutes before get is ready to be removed, add 5 drops of PMS and 20 micro liters of G6PDH to test tube
IMMEDIATELY pour solution over the center of gel so that stain flows over entire gel
pipette 2 ml of molten agar into test tube with stain solution
place dull surface of gel up into one of staining trays
locate plastic staining trays adjacent to the beaker of molten agar
continue mixing until gel is removed
place dark cover "ice bucket" over staining tray for 10 minutes
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