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▷ ▶ PFI Flowchart free Government flowcharts and decision trees.
GovernmentPFI Flowchart
By deblennon
Category: Government. Viewed 709 times. Created November 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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Explain the process for creating a document

Does the sale involve both a defense article and a foreign private or commercial entity?
Sales & Marketing drafts and sends letter and Customer Questionnaire (appendix B) to the customer in accordance with ITC standard work (CCSW-ITC-05-001)
Sales & Marketing drafts marketing White Paper (Attachment C) and delivers to ITC Manager
ITC Manager schedules kick-off meeting to identify team members.


Sales & Marketing conducts Customer Compliance Meeting, assists in the development of Custoemr Compliance Plan
Team develops Contract Execution White Paper (Attachment D)
Notify CITC of potential transaction via Contract Execution White Paper

(if requested) Sikorsky meets with DDTC to discuss proposed transaction