This flow chart indicates how organisations (such as intelligence agencies) collect data, analyse it, and act upon it.
Does the organisation have parameters which guide or otherwise limit the remit of the data to be collected?
The organisation will collect all of the data that it (not necessarily its overseer) believes to be within its remit.
Organisations must then analyse the data. So, are organisations required to analyse all of their data to the best of the capabilities?
The nature of the data that is collected is likely of higher value and therefore will be scrutinised comprehensively. The analysis then forces the question: does the information learned represent a threat to an interest or allows the organisation to better serve an interest?
The organisation will act on the information in a manner which is consistent with what it perceives to be in its best interest. There is the worry that abuse may occur. Then we have the question, is the organisation acting legitimately/ethically/responsibly
Organisations will rationally collect all of the data they possibly can, and will do so up until the point where they are limited by technological or other practical barriers.
The data may be more than what is possible to analyse. The organisation will make its best attempt to identify data that is important to it and analyse that data.
Is information deemed of low or unknown value stored securely or destroyed?
| NO
Abuses can/are likely to occur, thus causing a breach in the underwriter's trust of the organisation.
By definition, nothing improper happens. The information is used as it should.
Is the massive data collection a function of the demands placed upon the organisation by the underwriter?
Is high value data acted upon appropriately within the demands of society/overseers/managers/government, etc?
By definition, nothing improper happens. The information is used as it should.
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There should be no complaints since this is the product demanded.
The data collected is being done so at a net cost to the underwriter, thus causing the underwriter to likely question the legitimacy of the action of data collection.
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