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▷ ▶ How to enter a NOL Boot Record free Government flowcharts and decision trees.
GovernmentHow to enter a NOL Boot Record
By bettyboop0489
Category: Government. Viewed 578 times. Created November 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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You receive a call from a NOL motorist but the record does not appear in BootView. Has the motorist been booted for 20 minutes or more?
Go to the Boot a Car Page and begin to enter the information in. When you enter the license plate, did you receive a message saying the vehicle has been booted within the last week?
Check to see if the record is now in the system. Make sure it isn't pulling up a previous record. If it is an old record, then go to the "No" answer.



Ask the motorist to call back in 15 minutes and the record should be entered.
Check on the right for a message that says the vehicle is boot eligible. Is the vehicle boot eligible?
Continue to enter the information in the system. Once you save the record, check that the record is now showing tickets. Is the record showing tickets other than the boot fee?
Continue with helping the motorist get on the road!



Post the record to Tier 2 in the DIP Agent HC Escalation BRL Clients/General Info 1 Room for review. Include all of the information that is necessary for the current boot record [ie. Client, Plate Number and State, Date, Time, Make/Model/Color of Vehicle, Location, Device #, Violation#]. Note: You do not need the officer name for NOL. State in your post that there is a previous record that needs to be reviewed and the current record is not in yet. Wait for a response from Tier 2.
Post the record to Tier 2 in the DIP Agent HC Escalation BRL Clients/General Info 1 Room for review. Explain the record is only showing the booting fee.