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HealthCPR Flowchart
By trinhd02
Category: Health. Viewed 1294 times. Created October 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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CPR Flow Chart for Infant/Child/Adult

Check if the scene is safe.

Check for pulse, breathing, and bleeding.

Instruct someone to call 9-1-1 and get an AED.

If there is a pulse but no breathing, perform rescue breathing. Suspected neck injury, use jaw thrust method. No suspected neck injury, use head tilt chin lift.
If there is no pulse or breathing, administer 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths. Suspected neck injury, use jaw thrust method. No suspected neck injury, use head tilt chin lift.
Continue administering CPR for 2 minutes and reassess.

Did the breaths go in?
There is a pulse but no breathing, continue rescue breathing.
If there is no pulse or breathing, continue CPR for another 2 minute cycle and reassess.



Continue rescue breathing for 2 minutes and reassess.
Perform 30 chest compressions and check the mouth for anything blocking the airway.