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▷ ▶ Seasonal Job Fair free Business flowcharts and decision trees.
BusinessSeasonal Job Fair
By sarahshiflet
Category: Business. Viewed 1006 times. Created October 2013.     Disclaimer.   
    Make your own flowchart

Step #1: Has the applicant applied online?
Step #2: Facility Tour Required for all applicants for the warehouse (call center applicants not required to go)
Step #3: Ensure that original log is updated with those who have completed tour and interviewed (if known)
Step #4: If interviewer wants to make an offer to a candidate that person will be sent back up to the front desk.




Set applicant up with a computer to fill out application online. Have them check back in with you once complete
Log the Applicant's information and give them a number
Assign applicants to tour groups (only those people who have completed Step #1)
Let all CC applicants and any applicant not being offered position know that if chosen for a position, they will be contacted directly.
Fill out blanks on job offer letter



NOTE: Applicants for the Call Center do not get put through this process! We will take applications and qualified applicants will be contacted for interviews directly
Print application once complete and give to applicant to take with them to the interview
Notify tour guide of next 5 - 10 numbers to call for the tour.
Make copies of both docs for applicant if requested.
Have applicant sign offer letter (accepting offer) and have applicant fill out background check authorization form. Keep these documents and deliver to Sarah Shiflet.

Please Note: If computers are full and/or applicant is not comfortable applying online, provide paper application
Give Tour Guide copy of updated name/number log **Note** Give COPY, not original!

Tour guide will take applicants on tour and deliver them to interview area once tour is complete. Log will be given to the facilitator at that time