Help CMOs correctly follow a path for proper notification to OTI when changes are made to our processes
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Zyfine Quality forwards begins drafting the deviation or Non-Conformance Event.
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Zyfine Notifies Onconova Quality Assurance By Email within 2 business days
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Onconova Acknowledges Receipt.
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Zyfine Completes investigation within 30 business days, Submits investigation report to Onconova for Review and Approval
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Onconova doesn't agree with Investigation, Notifies Zyfine via email
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Onconova Reviews Investigation, and decides Approval
Onconova Approves Investigation, notifies Zyfine.
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Zyfine addresses comments and Concerns. Resubmits report to Onconova for Review and Approval.
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Zyfine Completes and Archives investigation Report. Provides final copy with Batch Record Package.
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