This quiz tests Are you white trash? Humor Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Humor IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you white trash? by Ruth T..
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I put playing cards in my bicycle's spokes to create that cool motorcycle sound.
True False

I know that it is time to stop playing and go home when the street lights come on.
True False

Candy cigarettes, wax soda bottles, big league chew gum and candy necklaces are dietary staples.
True False

If I wear shoes at all, I wear sandals or flip-flops.
True False

My feet are always dirty.
True False

Slip n' Slide's for rich kids. I stand under the sprinkler or hose.
True False

I always have scabby and scraped knees.
True False

I play with bugs/worms all the time.
True False

My underoos with Superman/Wonderwoman/Batman etc. are the best!
True False

My mom goes outside and yells real loud if she wants me to come home.
True False

There is at least one room in my house that's unfinished in some way- no paint, insulation showing, etc.
True False

I have had at least one tooth (baby or adult) knocked out while playing.
True False

I get hand-me-downs, or my mom makes my clothes.
True False

I know what government cheese tastes like.
True False

I have a Big Wheel.
True False

I have a sandbox.
True False

My Barbies are in the sandbox/mudpuddle with their hair cut off -or- my rusty Matchbox cars are in the sandbox/mudpuddle.
True False

My TV has a coathanger or aluminum foil antenna.
True False

There is a velvet painting in my house/my friend's house.
True False

I live in a trailer or a duplex.
True False

I caught head lice.
True False

Hamburger Helper or Sloppy Joes are gourmet meals.
True False

My friends and I mark our territory with chalk on the sidewalk.
True False

My mom gives me haircuts
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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