Jackie Chan Adventures Character Selector
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A SelectSmart.com Comics Selector by Miss Lotus Eater, created October 2006.
Which Jackie Chan Adventures Character are you? Come on, you know you've wondered, lost sleep, lost wieght (actually girls, if thats the case you might want to steer clear of this quiz a while longer) In any case, this quiz should have more options than the other's on here. You know what they say, nessesity is the mother of invention. (I am so *not* Jade) I also should have some banners going. Gee I'm cool. So answer truthfully and then, when you watch JCA you'll get to see yourself as others see you.
One more thing. Take my quiz.
One more thing. Make your friends take my quiz.
One more thing. Actually thats it, I just like saying "one more thing"