That's so Raven psychic quiz, BEBY!!
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A Television Selector by Chicky-chick, created March 2006.
This is my That's so Raven psychic character selector. Answer Yes,no,or not sure to all of these multiple-choice questions. You may either be a Raven, A Chelsea, An Eddie, A Mom, A Dad, or an ever-so-adorable...Cory. After the test, you will be informed which character from the hit comedy show "That's so Raven" you are most like. "That's so Raven is about a teen who has psychic visions every once and a while and they sometimes can get Raven in to some deep trouble. She sees things about her best buds, Eddie and Chelsea, and she sees things about her parents, or her annoying brother, Cory. That's so Raven comes on at 11:00 p.m. on the Disney Channel. See ya then! Have fun!