Survey Says: Top Political Economy/Philosophy Selector results, Politics Survey
The top 8 Political Economy/Philosophy Selector results of 21253 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Political Economy/Philosophy Selector .      

#1 43.4%
Liberal - (Locke, Adam Smith, Madison, J.S. Mill, both Roosevelts) - The belief that social justice is best facilitated by limited, popular government and free (and fair) markets. Some Republicans, most Democrats, most Reformers.
#2 26.1%
Anarcho-Capitalist (Rothbard, David Friedman) - The belief that eventually, the state will be rendered unnecessary by the market. Some Libertarians.
#3 10.7%
Social Democratic - (British Labour, modern day Scandinavia, Ralph Nader, - The belief that social justice is best facilitated by democratic control of most, if not all, social institutions. Some Democrats and most Greens.
#4 8.2%
Conservative - ("The Moral Majority", et. al.) - The belief that the state exists to maintain the status quo, politically and economically. Some Republicans and some Reformers (like Buchanan).
#5 6.8%
Anarcho-Socialist - (traditional Anarchism) - The belief that all forms of power are ultimately corrupt. Often, "Socialism without the State". Some Greens and some Socialists.
#6 4.8%
Communist - (Lenin, Castro, Mao) - The belief in a state that controls all aspects of economic life, even at the expense of political liberty. Arguably "state capitalism," as compared to anarcho-socialism.
#7 0.0%
Libertarian (American Anti-Federalists, Ayn Rand, Thomas Paine, Boaz, Murray, Milton Friedman) - The belief that the size and scope of government should be minimized as far as possible. The Libertarian Party and some Republicans.
#8 0.0%
Socialist - (Marx, Engels, Fourier, St. Simon) - The belief that political equality, and social justice, are impossible without economic equality. Some Greens and most Socialists.

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