Role Playing Games Poll: Qué entrenador de la famosa LIGA POKéMON CHILE eres? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote Role Playing Games Poll: Qué entrenador de la famosa LIGA POKéMON CHILE eres? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Qué entrenador de la famosa LIGA POKéMON CHILE eres?" by Midolf. Translate: Choose from this list: Midolf: Gym Tierra Nefis: Gym Volador Nashville: Gym Hielo Farore Shadow: Gym Oscuro Sands: Gym Fantasma Zim: Gym Psíquico F2chacón: Gym Normal Omanyte: Gym Roca Hitokiri_Mankind: Gym Bicho Toshi: Elite Four DrKiller: Webmaster [Soujirox]: Trainer male Shandu: Trainer female Real_Master: Gym Agua Nadie Tzmisce: Gym Dragón Ash: personaje de TV Pikachu: pokémon canapé Red: personaje de videojuego Game boy: consola See the newest and search for polls here: