Friends & Roommates Poll: What Type of Third Wattsie Are You? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & Roommates Poll: What Type of Third Wattsie Are You? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Friends & Roommates Poll:
What Type of Third Wattsie Are You? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What Type of Third Wattsie Are You?" by ladyv624. Translate:
Choose from this list:
You're a studious Third Wattsie! You're just like Christina or Lauren, you are so smart!
*wink* You are a mischievous Third Wattsie just like Page and Casie. You bad girl you.
You're a popular Third Wattsie like Janelle and Sarah Bogue...everyone knows you and love you...go you!
You are an artsy Third Wattsie like Hanley, Paige,and have major talent!
You are a unique Third don't really fit into another category, but that's just because you are so different and cool! You're just like the rock!
You are an athletic Third Wattsie like Erin M. and Michaela! You can kick major ass!