Role Playing Games Poll: Where in Generica are you from? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Role Playing Games Poll: Where in Generica are you from? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
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Where in Generica are you from? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Where in Generica are you from?" by babybowlerhat. Translate:
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Ariage Island: Twin islands to the west of Garbezi Island in [Generica]. Network of villages and towns banded together to catch [dawnfish] and [moon oysters]. Each town and village has an official catch--either fish or oysters--and anyone within the town caught catching the other is usually banished.
Birita Island: Twin islands to the west of the [Gold Coast] in [Generica], home to a major port city and thieves guild. Serves as a stopping point for domestic and commercial travel on that side of Generica.
Crasayor Island: Tiny island in the Outland Islands chain to the south of the Therech Federation. Largest island in the Outlands. Anchoring spot for the [Therech Armada], who refuse to come home and instead act as sea knights battling the [Rilati] [pirates].
Dranor Island: Island to the southwest of the Moragei Steppes in [Generica]. Dangerous to approach as well as homestead. Site of pilgrimage for clerics of Sascio. People hailing from Dranor are thought of as great travelers.
Fawril Island: Fragmented island to the northwest of Garbezi Island in [Generica]. [Elven] homeland. Islands are wild forests and secrets. A treetop city is rumored to exist on the largest island.
Garbezi: Island to the west of North and South Aramir in Generica and home of the Garbezi and the Therech Federation. Considered holy ground. Boasts many monasteries and temples. Clerics and believers are encouraged to make a pilgrimage up the [Sandor Mountains] to the [Apex of the World], a large temple containing the holiest of holies.
Gold Shore: Cave-riddled marshlands to the west of North Aramir in [Generica]. The region takes its name from the abundant gold and metal mines and river panners. The farther north, the more dwarves, and the colder the reception will be for anyone else. The capital may be [Rikaya], but tourists prefer the town of [Hamarinde] for its spectacular view of the [Forshythe Falls].
Kellas Island: Tiny island to the south of South Aramir in [Generica]. Owned by the [Kellas] family, a world-renouned group of [wizards].
Moragei Steppes: Desert to the east of North Aramir in [Generica]. Atop [Jotun Mountain] lies the [Library of Constant Knowledge], where learned folk from all around Generica flock to study and learn. To enter, one must donate a book to the library that the library does not already have, and that's quite a task. The steppes are also home to a monastery.
Nialbel Islands: Chain of four islands to the east of Garbezi Island in [Generica]. The wizard school of Tualee and the Kellas family conducted a series of land experiments here with wild magic, and the place is considered uninhabitable.
North Aramir: Centrally located mountainous continent in [Generica]. Barbarian tribes roam the [Cloudskill Mountains] and the northern [Crystal Peaks]. The lush green farmland between the Cloudskill and [Asta-Dûn] mountains produces food year-round. The knot of villages overseeing food production--especially [Jega Vine]--hire mercenaries to protect people and crops year-round.
Outland Islands: Chain of islands shaped like twin daggers to the southeast of the Therech Federation in [Generica]. The largest island is Crasayor Island. Colonized by the Therech Federation, then promptly forgotten when [Therech] became seized by civil war. Islands mostly have a village or two, and communication between the different islands is scarce.
Rilati Island: Small island to the east of South Aramir in [Generica]. A [pirate] isle rumored to be the ancient home of dragons. Signed nonagression pact with South Aramir but pact is breaking down.
Shyim Island: Tiny island to the west of the Therech Federation in [Generica]. - This island might look like several small islands, but only a shallow channel of water separates them. People come from all over Generica to pan for precious minerals and gems from the sands. The city of [Jasod] occupies the whole of the upper island.
South Aramir: Southern mountainous region in Aramir, the southern continent in [Generica]. Home to the largest mountain range in the country and supports the Great Road, a travel system connecting the largest towns. Boasts the annual Moon Market as well as the Tualee wizard school.
Therech Federation: The southern warring city-state that battles over Garbezi Island with the native Garbezi people to the north. The island is to the southwest of Gold Shore in [Generica]. Once a large nation called [Therech], now a collection of warring city-states and mercenary armies. Colonized many of the surrounding islands before breaking into war.
Yanesi Plateau: High plateau between North and South Aramir in [Generica]. Hot, dry, and arid. Small villages spring up around oases. A large caravan route snakes through the [Asta-Dûn] mountain range on this plateau. The town of Yanesi is a popular stopping point, not only halfway through the mountain plateau but near a neverending [holy spring].