Video Games Poll: What Civ IV Traits Do You Have? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Video Games Poll: What Civ IV Traits Do You Have? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Video GamesVideo Games Poll: What Civ IV Traits Do You Have?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What Civ IV Traits Do You Have?" by Huayna Capac357.

Choose from this list:

You are Aggressive. Free Combat I promotion of melee and gunpowder units and double production speed of Barracks and Drydock.

You are Spiritual. No anarchy and double production speed of Temples and the Cristo Redentor.

You are Philosophical. Great People birth rate increased 100 percent and double production speed of university.

You are Organized. Civic upkeep reduced 50 percent and double production speed of lighthouse and courthouse.

You are Creative. +2 culture per city and double production of theatre and coliseum.

You are Financial. +1 commerce on plots with at least 2 commerce.

You are Expansive. +2 health per city, double production of granary and harbor, and 25 percent faster production of workers.

You are Industrious. Wonder production increased by 50 percent and double production speed of forge.

You are Imperialistic. +100 percent Great General Emergence 50 percent faster production of settlers.

You are Protective. Archery and Gunpowder units receive Drill I and City Garrison I automatically and double production speed of Walls and Castle.

You are Charismatic. +1 happiness per city, -25 percent XP needed for unit promotions, and +1 happiness from monument and broadcast tower.


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