Politics Poll: Which Canadian Pre-Confederation Prime Minister Are You? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Politics Poll: Which Canadian Pre-Confederation Prime Minister Are You? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
PoliticsPolitics Poll: Which Canadian Pre-Confederation Prime Minister Are You?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which Canadian Pre-Confederation Prime Minister Are You?" by Patrick.

Choose from this list:

William Henry Draper (conservative)

Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine (reformer)

Robert Baldwin (reformer)

Dominick Daly (conservative)

Denis-Benjamin Viger (reformer)

Augustin-Norbert Morin (moderate conservative)

Allan Napier MacNab (conservative)

John Alexander Macdonald (moderate conservative)

George-Étienne Cartier (moderate conservative)

George Brown (reformer)

Antoine-Aimé Dorion (reformer)


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