Star Wars Poll: What is your Jedi lightsaber form Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Star Wars Poll: What is your Jedi lightsaber form Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
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Form I: Shii-Cho: As the weapons technology of the lightsaber was developed, the need for a form of combat arose. Thus Form I, also called Way of the Sarlacc, was born. Ancient sword-fighting traditions held key principles of blade combat that were implemented by early Jedi Masters in the rather basic technical tactics of Form I. A basic Form for beginners.
Form II: Makashi: After Form I's proliferation as a saber combat technique, Form II, or Way of the Ysalamiri, came about as a means of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. It is described as being very elegant, powerful, and requiring extreme precision, allowing the user to attack and defend with minimal effort, while his opponent tires himself out. The form relies on parries, thrusts, and small, precise cuts - as opposed to the blocking and slashing of the other forms. The blade manipulation required for this form is very refined and requires much focus, but the results are extremely potent. However, as ranged weapons such as blasters come into play, or more than one opponent is present, the advantages of this form become obsolete.
Form III: Soresu: Inspired by the need to parry blaster-fire, the form utilizes motions occurring very close to the body to achieve near-total protection, efficiently expending as little energy as possible to execute these moves. This technique exposes as little body target zone open areas as is possible, making a well-trained practitioner nearly invincible. As seen in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi only dies when he allows Darth Vader to strike him down. Practitioners of Soresu comfortably remain on the defensive until their opponents tire or make a mistake, only then do they strike offensively. Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee are also proficient in this form. After Darth Maul's defeat on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to perfect his practice of Form III lightsaber combat, the most defensive of all of the forms, since Qui-Gon Jinn, Kenobi's mentor and Form IV (Ataru) master, fell against Darth Maul.
Form IV: Ataru: The master practitioners of the Way of the Hawk-Bat make extensive use of acrobatic maneuvers often thought not physically possible. This form was created during the last centuries of the Old Republic. Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda were both masters of Form IV, as shown in their duels against Darth Maul and Count Dooku, respectively. Obi-Wan Kenobi, though already very advanced, abandoned his Ataru training in favor of Form III because he felt that his master's demonstrated a flaw in this form, but Kenobi used Ataru again to face Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader, in their ultimate battle on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith. Aayla Secura is also a master of Ataru, according to Jan Duursema, who co-created the Twi'lek Jedi; Quinlan Vos had taught Aayla Form IV. Palpatine used a Sith variant of this form, which included stabs and wide swings. In dire situations, Form IV practitioners use the Force to aid in their acrobatics. Spinning, jumping and running very fast an
Form V: Shien / Djem So: Form V is a powerful style developed by Form III practitioners that preferred a more offensive angle. The defensive nature of Form III often leads to dangerously prolonged combat. This style came about from combining Forms II and III. The maxim ''peace through superior firepower'' encompasses the philosophy of Form V, also called the Way of the Krayt Dragon. Anakin, both as himself and as Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker are both practitioners of Form V. Form V maintains its existence through having sufficient defensive skills, as derived from Form III, but channelling defense into offense. The example is commonly used that while Form III combatants effortlessly deflect laser bolts, Form V practitioners excel at redirecting the laser bolt toward the opponent. This simultaneously defends the user and efficiently injures the opponent. As well, it employs a basic form of Form II's parries, allowing the user to parry the attempted attack, and counter it. It is dif
Form VI: Niman: Form VI attempts to balance all elements of lightsaber combat, combining the Forms that came before into a less intensely demanding combat style. The result is that the users' skill in each individual areas of lightsaber combat is only moderate, making Form VI well suited for diplomats, as they can spend their time training in the areas of politics and negotiation instead of combat training. In fact, all of the Jedi using Form VI were killed at the Battle of Geonosis, including the Form VI practitioner Coleman Trebor, whose technique could not defend against Jango Fett's masterfully placed blaster shots.
Form VII: Juyo: Dubbed the Way of the Vornskr, Form VII was an incomplete form for millennia. It was further developed by Jedi Master Mace Windu, who could complete it with his Vaapad fighting style. The most challenging and demanding of all forms, Form VII requires intense focus, high levels of skill, and mastery of other forms. Only three Jedi have ever mastered Vaapad fully: Mace Windu, Depa Billaba, and Sora Bulq, who instructed Quinlan Vos in a few of its basics. Sora Bulq helped Windu develop Vaapad, but Bulq proved too weak to master the flow of the Light and Dark Sides, and fell to the Dark Side. In this way, Vaapad mastered him. However, Vaapad borders on the edge of falling to the Dark Side, as it channels one's anger and darkness into the attack. Only Windu's mastery and concentration of the Light Side prevents him from succumbing, which is why Vaapad is rarely practiced and very dangerous. The two other known practitioners of Vaapad, Sora Bulq and Depa Billaba, both fell
Form VIII: Sokan: Developed by the ancient Jedi Knights during the Great Sith War, Sokan combined tactics that allowed for evasion and mobility with the kinetic motions of Form IV combat. Sokan involved swift strokes of the lightsaber, which were aimed towards the opponent's vital areas in addition to quick tumbles and movements. Combatants made use of large amounts of terrain, trying to maneuver their opponents into vulnerable areas during the course of battles that involved Sokan techniques.
Form IX: Shien: Shien uniquely involves a Jedi holding the lightsaber horizontally. The Jedi pointed the end of the blade at the opponent; it was swung in a fast arc while the Jedi punched his or her saber-hand at his or her opposing combatant. Almost like a fencing style. (This is not to be confused with Form V: Shien / Djem So.)
Form X: Niman: The dual saber Niman permitted a Jedi to fight with two lightsabers, one in each hand, as seen in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones by Anakin Skywalker. One of the blades in the wielder's hands was used for attacking while the other one was used for defending, such as parrying, or for more offensive power. Many Jedi trained to use the Niman style in the hopes of gaining a basic knowledge of the dual-bladed attack, but very few Jedi ever totally mastered Niman. Serra Keto, Sora Bulq, and Asajj Ventress were practitioners of Form X; it is also possible that Darth Revan may have been a master of this Form. (This Niman was not to be confused with the Form VI Niman.)
Form ''Zero'': Not an actual form of lightsaber combat per se, Form Zero is the idea that a Jedi should know when to use their lightsaber and when to find another means to solve a problem. This was defined by Master Yoda to address the need of the Jedi to restrain themselves when tempted to use ''Aggressive Negotiations.'' and instead use another well-developed Jedi skill, such as the Jedi mind trick.
Dun möch: The Sith aimed to completely t an opponent's spirit through whatever means possible by employing their own lightsaber combat doctrine. Dun möch commonly involved spoken taunts, jeers, and jests that exposed the opponent's hidden, inner weaknesses and/or doubts. Other variations on dun möch involved usage of the Force to throw large, weighty objects at the Sith's opponent during combat, which both distracts the opponent from the battle and could potentially cause damage. Darth Vader uses this against Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back. Count Dooku and Darth Sidious use it against Jedi Master Yoda in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, respectively.