Left - Socially left, economically left. Includes social democrats, democratic socialists, anarcho-socialists, and some Social Liberals.
Liberal - Socially left, economically center. Includes some Social Liberals and most Classical Liberals.
Libertarian - Socially left, economically right. Includes a few Classical Liberals, minarchists, and anarcho-capitalists.
Centralist - Socially center, economically left. Includes various socialists and Blue Dog Democrats, mainly those who favor greater government intervention in the economy, but don't care much about social issues.
Moderate - Socially center, economically center. Includes... moderates.
Conservative - Socially center, economically right. Includes Goldwater Republicans.
Statist - Socially right, economically left. Includes Communists and theocratic socialists.
Nationalist - Socially right, economically center. Includes various nationalists, Fascists, and neocons.
Right - Socially right, economically right. Includes most of whom are currently considered "conservative".