New Yes/No Selectors
Showing the newest 5 of 22908 Yes/No selectors. See also the newest multiple choice selectors.
ComicsWhich X-Men Villain Wants to Kill U?💀
gtnish7 created this 24 question Comics selector. There are 25 possible top results. The first question asks "Would you most likely be human?". Find links to gtnish7's Which X-Men Villain Wants to Kill U?💀 poll and IQ quizzes here. Look for gtnish7's other creations, if any.

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EntertainmentWhich Hazbin Hotel character are you?
Leo4lioness8 created this 24 question Entertainment selector. There are 23 possible top results. The first question asks "Would you betray a friend for a million dollars?". Find links to Leo4lioness8's Which Hazbin Hotel character are you? poll and IQ quizzes here. Look for Leo4lioness8's other creations, if any.

Hi! I made this quiz, since Selectsmart seems to be the one with the most accurate results in my opinion. I tried my best to create a quiz with great accuracy! good luck! and enjoy this kin test! (Lilith's result is based on what I think of her so far)

MusicWhat Metallica Album Are You?
BionicleFan1994 created this 24 question Music selector. There are 11 possible top results. The first question asks "Are you fast, loud, heavy and intense?". Find links to BionicleFan1994's What Metallica Album Are You? poll and IQ quizzes here. Look for BionicleFan1994's other creations, if any.

Take this quiz to find out what Metallica album you are!!!

ComicsWho are You in X-Men’97?
gtnish7 created this 24 question Comics selector. There are 23 possible top results. The first question asks "Do you LOVE video games?🎮 ". Find links to gtnish7's Who are You in X-Men’97? poll and IQ quizzes here. Look for gtnish7's other creations, if any.

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007 James BondWhich 007 RU, Based on the Bond Girls Opinions about U?
gtnish7 created this 24 question 007 James Bond selector. There are 6 possible top results. The first question asks "RU under 6 foot tall (Yes) or over 6 foot tall (No)?". Find links to gtnish7's Which 007 RU, Based on the Bond Girls Opinions about U? poll and IQ quizzes here. Look for gtnish7's other creations, if any.

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