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Crime selectors, pages, etc.
Two Dem Congresswomen, Supporters of Defunding Police, Carjacked on same day
By HatetheSwamp
December 23, 2021 5:18 am
Category: Crime

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Scanlon was not the first prominent Democratic official to be carjacked in a crime-ridden city in the last 24 hours. On Tuesday night, Illinois’ Democratic state Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford and her husband were carjacked in Broadview, Illinois, in the Chicago area, where crime has been surging.

Both Scanlon and Lightford have been staunch supporters of police reforms in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020.

They are both safe and uninjured. Thankfully.

Still, it's a bit of hoot. In the 020 election, glorious calls to defund police were all the rage among progressive Dems.

And, police funding was effected in quite a few Dem cities. In addition, bonkered, wacked out DAs kept, often violent, criminals on the streets...

...and, now, the proverbial piper must be paid.

It's been fascinating, and amusing, to watch some Dems begin to chagrin over increased crime...SF Mayor London Breed and Nancy Pelosi in particular...while others like our Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner have shouted that crime isn't increasing, as the murder rate sets records.

It's time, Dems, to twist and shout and squirm over your imbicilic approach to criminal justice reform.

Two other notes.

Elections are settled based on how white suburban women vote. Trust me. They won't be voting in favor of increased violent crime perpetrated against suburban women. They won't be voting Dem in 022.

Also, the truth is that crime isn't actually increasing as rapidly as reports suggest. What's increasing is violent crime against affluent people...especially affluent white people. Bad politics.

When the House begins its hearings on Hunter Biden's crime sprees in 023, thank defunding police.

Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

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Comments on "Two Dem Congresswomen, Supporters of Defunding Police, Carjacked on same day":

  1. by Donna on December 23, 2021 7:20 am
    You can read about Mary Gay Scanlon's position on police in the piece below. It seems very sensible to me. I haven't found anything saying that she ever supported defunding the police though. Still looking.

    Being the good Christian that you are, Bill, I'm sure that you would never intentionally bear false witness against her or anyone, so you might want to back up your accusation with supporting evidence, and if you can't provide that, then issue a retraction.

  2. by Donna on December 23, 2021 7:21 am
    Oops, forgot the link.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 7:37 am

    Both Scanlon and Lightford have been staunch supporters of police reforms in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020.

    "We have seen too many lives taken and communities devastated by police brutality and racial profiling," Scanlon tweeted shortly after Floyd's death. "Action is long overdue. @HouseDemocrats are fighting for REAL reform in our country’s police departments. #JusticeInPolicing."

    Scanlon is one of 125 co-sponsors of the Mental Health Justice Act, which aimed to place some police officers as first responders with mental health specialists. All of the bill's sponsors are Democrats. The bill's text says its purpose is "To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to States and political subdivisions of States to hire, employ, train, and dispatch mental health professionals to respond in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies involving one or more persons with a mental illness or an intellectual or developmental disability, and for other purposes."

  4. by Donna on December 23, 2021 7:59 am
    Right. Now read the link I posted that supports the IMO sensible police reforms she voted for. Scanlon actually supports extra funding to handle 911 calls involving mentally ill people.

    I get it though. Your news and commentary sources for a long time have been pushing this idea that the Democrats want to defund the police and leave us defenseless against us crime in order to scare people into voting for Republicans, and you're helping them do that by repeating their lies on this forum.

  5. by Donna on December 23, 2021 8:15 am
    The reforms in the bill Scanlon supported are aimed at preventing situations like the incident drscribed at the link below. That kind of mistake happens regularly in the US because most police departments are ill equipped to handle situations like that safely or responsibly. Often these incidents result in the killing of unarmed people who are mentally ill.

  6. by Donna on December 23, 2021 9:06 am
    Here's a worse incident. Mentally ill double amputee in a wheelchair. Unarmed. Had a ballpoint pen. Shot dead by cop with one bullet. I could post these all day.

    This is a widespread problem that responsible local and federal representatives are trying to fix through badly needed reforms in the way we do policing.

    I've come across people who want to abolish police altogether. These are the extremists who should be attacked, not people who are advocating for reasonable and badly needed reforms aimed at protecting vulnerable people from being severely injured or killed by police.

  7. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 9:37 am


    In the post that launched this thread, I said,

    It's time, Dems, to twist and shout and squirm over your imbicilic approach to criminal justice reform.

    I think you and I both think it's time for criminal justice reform.

    What I'm confident about is that we disagree in my assessment that the ideas of the Dems are imbicilic.

    I'm sure that Ms Scanlon would have felt profoundly blessed if the emergency dispatcher had, hearing of her incident, said, "You hold tight, there, ma'am. I have a social worker on the way."

    This is one of those issues, like immigration, in which the time is long past for Dems and GOPs to work together to find meaningful, workable solutions to a serious problem.

    But, for sure, the ideas Dems have been spouting created the crime surge we're in the midst of now.

  8. by Donna on December 23, 2021 9:49 am
    The incident Rep. Scanlon was a victim of didn't involve a mentally ill person.

    You don't seem to be willing to discuss any issue without distorting the facts or just outright lying.

  9. by Ponderer on December 23, 2021 10:11 am
    Because he's a god damned liar. His side does nothing BUT lie and distort and scare people with their flaming bullshit. It's all they got.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 10:40 am

    You don't seem to be willing to discuss any issue without distorting the facts or just outright lying.


    I was illustrating imbicility through absurdity. At that point, it would have been impossible to know the mental state or capacity of the miscreant(s).

    But, if the police budget is diluted through the hiring of social workers, the number of law enforcement personnel will diminish, ain't? Hence the social worker reference.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2021 10:42 am
    "Here's a worse incident. Mentally ill double amputee in a wheelchair. Unarmed. Had a ballpoint pen. Shot dead by cop with one bullet. I could post these all day." --Donna

    I remember that incident and discussing it. It was several years ago. The amputee was also a paranoid schizophrenic. My sense was that he was brandishing the pen so that it looked like a gun in perhaps a conscious or unconscious effort at suicide by cop.

    I also remember that he was in some sort of group home and that the staff there, who presumably have social work training, called the police because the man was agitated and threatening people in an aggressive manner which concerned them.

    The cop was tried and acquitted.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2021 10:43 am

    Because he's a god damned liar. His side does nothing BUT lie and distort and scare people with their flaming bullshit. It's all they got.

    Well, hey. Welcome po.

    Don't you mean that he's a f***in liar!!!!?

  13. by Donna on December 23, 2021 1:56 pm
    I'm no expert on how it would work if the police department brought a psychiatric pro along with them, but since all of these incidents are emergencies, I don't think that HTS's assertion that they'd have to wait extra time for psychiatric pro to show up is likely. Maybe HTS was purposely being obtuse. It's hard to tell. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the police reform bill in question would likely fund police the police to hire psychiatric pros thay would work directly for the police department, as that would be the only way to ensure that they'd get there when the police did.

    I think I remember you, Curt, saying that your son was given special training (or something to that effect) that would help under such scenarios. I would be fine with that, too, if the training were approved by pychiatric pros.

    To me it sounds like a good bill that would save lives. I guess HTS is fine with mentally ill people being needlessly killed by police.

  14. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2021 3:11 pm
    "I think I remember you, Curt, saying that your son was given special training (or something to that effect) that would help under such scenarios. I would be fine with that, too, if the training were approved by pychiatric pros." --Donna

    Your memory is correct. Here is the bottom line, copied from the Oregon Police Academy curriculum page, of what is taught at the Oregon Police Academy when dealing with suspects with psychiatric issues. It strikes me as being similar to CPR training which is essential for police to know and valuable for citizens to know.

    Also, OPA instructors include psychiatric pros (as you put it), civil rights attorneys and various other experts.

    1. Remain Calm
    2. Maintain even tone
    3. Simplify questions, instructions and commands
    4. Be patient. Give them time to process what you are saying
    5. Ask for and use their name
    6. Give them your first name
    7. Reassure them you are there to help
    8. Use active listening
    9. Label emotions
    10. Allow them time to process
    11. Hands off equipment – unless tactically necessary
    12. Non-threatening body posture
    13. Continually assess for escalation
    14. If what you are doing seems to be causing the person to become agitated and/or escalate, try a
    different tactic
    15. Avoid triggers
    16. Use “I” messages
    17. Use grounding techniques
    18. Show empathy

    Obviously a lot of this training goes out the window if the subject pulls a gun or the cop thinks there is a gun.

  15. by Donna on December 23, 2021 4:46 pm
    Great list, although I have no idea what "label emotions" means.

  16. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2021 5:24 pm
    Donna, this is how the OPA defines "Emotion Labeling" in that syllabus page I linked to.

    Emotion Labeling:
    Because expressive people operate from an almost purely emotional framework, the officer must address the emotional dimensions of a crisis as the person sees

    Emotion labeling allows the officer to attach a tentative label to the feelings expressed or implied by the person’s words and actions. Such labeling shows that the officer is paying attention to the emotional aspects of what the person is conveying. When used effectively, emotion labeling becomes one of the most powerful skills available to officers because it helps them identify the issues and feelings that are driving the person’s behavior.

    Do not be afraid of labeling the emotions incorrectly; the person in crisis will
    correct you, which furthers their sense that you hear them.

    Benefits: Shows the officer is paying attention. Checks for understanding.
    Conveys message that the officer cares.

  17. by Donna on December 25, 2021 3:27 am
    Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like emotion labeling would also be beneficial in situations outside of interactions between the police and the public.

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