Yesterday, the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post also decided to get in on the action. The paper reported on an edited clip where they claimed the president had a “Ron Burgandy” moment.
The clip, originally shared by Clay Travis, showed Biden saying “end quote” at the end of the sentence. The implication was that the president was just reading every word on the screen, similar to Will Ferrell’s character in Anchorman.
In reality, the line was clipped in from another moment in Biden’s presser. Earlier, the president had read a quote about the supply chain and said ‘end quote’ to make the end.
The paper was quickly called out. AJ Delgado noted, “You absolutely uneducated morons. It’s because when you’re QUOTING someone, as he is doing, it’s customary to say ‘Begin quote’ and ‘end of quote’ to delineate when you began/stopped quoting what they said. Such a despicable rag, you are..”
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