Have you heard about the underground railroad?...thousands of people who defied the powers that be to do what they believed was right...as a matter of principle...and at great personal risk.
That's what's going on with the vaccine mandate engineered by "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" in the White House.
Nick Rolovich, who is young and healthy and who has virtually no risk of dying, or even getting very ill, from COVID, has sacrificed his $3,O00,000 salary rather than being jabbed. Good for him.
Whatever else this may mean, it says to me that Joe Biden has blown COVID as disastrously as he blew the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. He's turned the possibility of being protected from disease into a weak attempt to behave as a fascist dictator, stripping freedom from American citizens who are protected by the Bill of Rights.
I'm vaxxed. But, I admire fellow citizens who are willing to sacrifice on principle. They are Americans. Joe is little more than a weak imitation of Benito Mussolini.