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America has a new hero !!
By islander
January 23, 2025 1:15 pm
Category: Politics

(5.0 from 1 vote)
Rules of the Post

Not long after taking office,Trump and his voters were shamed and humiliated!

And all it took was for this courageous woman, Bishop Mariann Budde, to look Trump in the eye and tell the truth about the immigrants coming into our country and ask him to show them love and mercy. She will go down in history and take her place as one of our true American heroes.

Trump and his MAGA Republicans have taken control of the White House and Congress but that does not by any means mean that we are defeated and there is nothing left that can do to stop them.

This woman did what none of the Republican men have dared to do. And it’s the same thing we can all do...Just stand up and tell the truth !!

Thank You Bishop Budde !!

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Comments on "America has a new hero !!":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 23, 2025 1:27 pm

    Clearly the woman is a narcissist on the level of Trump! She's got stainless steel balls!

    What she did fascinates ole pb. Ole pb was, only at a local or regional level, in her position in those Civil Religion settings when pb was a part of institutionalized Christianity. Ole pb was tempted to do the sort of thing the Bold Bishop did...

    ...but, ole pb ain't that huuuuuuuuuge a narcissist. Not even close. It wouldn't be worth the trouble. She grabbed 15 minutes of fame. Whatever floats your boat, eh?

    So, isle tell us. If Bishop Budde moved to your are up north, would you attend her church?

  2. by islander on January 23, 2025 2:03 pm

    Let's inundate this amazing and wonderful woman with thank you cards and letters !!

    b>The Rt Revd Mariann Edgar Dudde




    Episcopal Church House, Mount St. Alban,
Washington, DC, 20016-5094,

  3. by HatetheSwamp on January 23, 2025 2:15 pm

    She'll love! That's why she did it!

  4. by Indy! on January 23, 2025 3:54 pm

    Good for her. She obviously got the goat of ALL the MAGAts as we can see from Brown Shorts' response. Too bad we don't have real media in this country or they could just pepper the whores in CONgress every day over this one and the orange skidmark releasing all those cop killers.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on January 23, 2025 5:02 pm


    Monitoring right-wing media as I do, my sense is that they're laughing at her self-important buffoonery more than they're angry.

    She's to progressives what Jerry Falwell was to social conservatives 40 years ago. Ole pb hopes that MSNBC hires her to replace Joy Reid. I'd watch.

  6. by islander on January 23, 2025 5:20 pm


    As all of us are seeing, the right-wing so called “Christians” are expressing outrage over the fact that when Trump came into the church and this woman, Rt. Revd. Mariann Dudde was conducting the service, she expressed the values and teachings of Jesus which virtually any decent person, whether religious or not, would agree with.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on January 23, 2025 6:13 pm
    I wonder if Bishop Budde gave these congressional ladies extra courage.

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) broke ranks with Republicans and opposed President Trump's Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth during a Senate procedural vote that narrowly advanced the nomination to a confirmation vote.

  8. by Indy! on January 23, 2025 7:21 pm
    Only because they knew the numbers were there for the Brown Shorts anyway. It's all a show.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on January 23, 2025 8:22 pm
    True, Indy. But at least they aren't displaying the obsequious fealty to Trump like their GOP colleagues.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2025 2:41 am

    Re isle's: "As all of us are seeing, the right-wing so called “Christians” are expressing outrage over the fact that when Trump came into the church and this woman, Rt. Revd. Mariann Dudde was conducting the service, she expressed the values and teachings of Jesus...

    Gang! isle just proved it! Keehee hoo! isle is a White Christian Nationalist...

    ... a Woke White Christian Nationalist!

    It's isle who knows what Christian values are and he knows what truly the genuine teachings of Jesus are and, he really, really cares! Really!

    But, and this is the true hoot. All that is true about isle, but, isle doesn't UNDERSTAND!

    How precious.

  11. by islander on January 24, 2025 5:49 am

    I wonder if Bishop Budde gave these congressional ladies extra courage. ~ Curt

    I think she has given many, many, good and decent people who were afraid or too timid to simply and plainly speak the truth the confidence they needed. They have seen the profound of this thanks to the Bishop.

    Trump and his minions have been able to destroy an awful lot of people's faith in their ability to know what is true and what is false. He has been so successful at it that a huge portion of the American people no longer know who or what to believe anymore, or even what truth means. Most of those have become cynical Trump supporters because he tells them the lies that they want to believe. And his lies are craftily designed to appeal to the worst instincts in people. Trump is a master at that.

    I think Bishop Budde has come onto the scene at a time when a woman like her is needed most by our country and the American people.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2025 6:18 am

    I'll say again that I think she is, to 020s progressives, what Jerry Falwell was to fundamentalists during Reagan's campaign against Carter and onward.

    What we don't know about the Right Reverend is if she possesses the organizational genius of Falwell who created the Moral Majority and made it a dominating political force for more than a dozen years.

    She is certainly a woman of the moment. That she's stirred progressive passions among so many... Yikes!

    In the US, often a political movement has a religious counterpart. She may become a person of consequence. She will if isle has a hand in it.


  13. by Ponderer on January 24, 2025 7:18 am

    What she did was the most Christian thing I've seen ever done in the presence of a president of the United States. It was simply the most Christian message imaginable, aimed at the most unchristian president in our country's entire history.

    For anyone to take any issue at all with anything she said only proves that their god is Donald Trump, and not Jesus Christ.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2025 7:30 am


    Re: "aimed at the most unchristian president in our country's entire history."

    That may be an exaggeration. We've had real scoundrels in the White House. Remember, Thomas Jefferson repeatedly impregnated one of his slaves. Andrew Jackson was a horrible man, as we've discussed here. In fact, one way to understand Jackson and his followers is that they out-MAGAed MAGA.

    You don't have to lie about Trump. He's despicable. The truth is enuff.

    And, po, I've aksed you directly. On this thread. Please reply. Were Trump to take the Bishop's exhortation to heart, if he decided to "have mercy on" trans kids and the immigrants who wash our dishes and perform other menial tasks US citizens won't do,...

    ...what would Trump actually do?

  15. by islander on January 24, 2025 7:38 am


    As I'm sure you know, I couldn't agree more! The response I've been seeing on Facebook, where I do most of my debating, has been heartwarming!! And it's not just from my religious friends and relatives, but non-relious folks as well and those who are agnostic like myself...I learned something else about Bishop Budde that I think you will appreciate;

    "Do you know that for 25 years Matthew Shepard had no permanent resting place due to concerns his grave would be vandalized, and when Reverend Budde learned of this, she invited the Shepards to inter him inside the Washington National Cathedral. She co-officiated the service which stated that Matthew was now and forever home in the church where he was loved.

    She was keeping her promise."

  16. by Ponderer on January 24, 2025 8:43 am

    Right, isle? The problem as I see it is that there are an awful lot of Christians in America who refuse to see or acknowledge just how truly evil and destructive an excuse for a human being trump is. Let alone a "Christian". They will accept any heinous or treasonous thing from him without criticism or correction. There isn't any crime or sociopathic inhumanity he could ever commit that would get them to say a negative thing about him.

    Just like Hate here. He's the Poster Boy for such MAGA Hat Cult "Christians". Especially the way he tries to pretend that he is criticizing him when he couldn't be happier about the psychopathic things he's doing and plans to do.

  17. by Ponderer on January 24, 2025 8:44 am


  18. by islander on January 24, 2025 9:04 am


    Unfortunately I just get a blank when I click on the photos...It seems to be a tricky thing to post a picture on this format. Sometimes it will show it and other times it doesn't.

  19. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2025 9:45 am

    Re: The problem as I see it is that there are an awful lot of Christians in America who refuse to see or acknowledge just how truly evil and destructive an excuse for a human being trump is. Let alone a "Christian".

    Clearly, you're not in dialog with Christians. Most Christians I know... not all, certainly, but most, by far... don't think of Trump as a Christian, let alone a good Christian. They think of him as being a victim of Big Brother oppression and they realize that what the government did to him could happen to them.

    My sense is that one thing Trump said that moved moderate and independent common sense voters was his repeated claim that "they're not after me, they're after you, I'm just standing in the way." That, and, "Kamala is for they/them, President Trump is for you."

    But, Christian? Noop. Not by a long shot.

    That, from my experience is you imprinting your TrumpHate and Christophobia on innocent victims. If the Dems had offered us any decent alternative besides the Dingbat, there'd be a Dem in the White House today.

    Again. If Trump took the Bishop's plea to heart, what would he do? The Bishop hasn't been specific. Neither have Indy, nor isle, nor Curt, nor you.

    As Carrie Underwood said, "Help me out here."

    View Video

  20. by HatetheSwamp on January 24, 2025 9:50 am

    "Unfortunately I just get a blank when I click on the photos...It seems to be a tricky thing to post a picture on this format. Sometimes it will show it and other times it doesn't."

    Bang on, isle.

    Curt, Can you walk us through it?

  21. by Indy! on January 24, 2025 12:58 pm
    by Indy! on January 23, 2025 7:21 pm
    Only because they knew the numbers were there for the Brown Shorts anyway. It's all a show.

    by Curt_Anderson on January 23, 2025 8:22 pm
    True, Indy. But at least they aren't displaying the obsequious fealty to Trump like their GOP colleagues.

    Ummm... no, Curt. What they are doing is PROVING their fealty to the orange ass monkey when they only vote against him when it doesn't matter. Both of them are POS just like their master the Homeless Hairdo. They have never ONCE voted against anything GOP, yet they pretend to be against them all the time. And the "liberal" cable networks still act like they're "moderate". They're not. They're MAGAts just like Brown Shorts here (who even admitted in another thread today).

    Good lord. The MAGAt bullshit can't possibly get deeper? Oh yes it can...

    learly, you're not in dialog with Christians. Most Christians I know... not all, certainly, but most, by far... don't think of Trump as a Christian, let alone a good Christian. They think of him as being a victim of Big Brother oppression and they realize that what the government did to him could happen to them.

    Oh yes, poor little misunderstood racist POS Homeless Hairdo. So mistreated by "Big Brother." Not only are you a cop killer MAGAt - you're setting new standards for hypocrisy.

  22. by meagain on January 24, 2025 2:50 pm
    The mention of Mathew Sheppard reminds me that I met him once. In the office I worked at then there was a prominent Canadian Gay rights activist, Michael Starr who fought in Court for the right to gay marriage. Sheppard visited him here and came into the office.

    It must have been 45 years or more ago.

  23. by Curt_Anderson on January 24, 2025 2:56 pm
    That's an interesting anecdote, Meagain. Matthew Sheppard was born 48 years ago.

  24. by Indy! on January 24, 2025 3:06 pm

    Damn you guys are making me feel old.

  25. by oldedude on January 25, 2025 7:35 am
    I find it interesting for all the bullsht being tossed, not one has any facts to support their new "hero." I expect the usuals not to have any. (the typical folks that can't support their positions that just lie [indy & wrongagain]), but no one will!) So to me, this is nothing but one of those bullshit ("everyone I know agrees with me") stupid things....

  26. by Donna on January 25, 2025 8:06 am

    We just appreciated the pastor's words of compassion, od.

  27. by islander on January 25, 2025 8:34 am

    You are correct Donna.

    I think what Mariann Budde did was to lift the veil of the “Christian” right voters for Donald Trump and expose them for who and what they really are. You can even see it clearly right here. Her simple plea for kindness and empathy has created a firestorm of anger and protest from Trump and his followers who represent themselves as ”Christians”.

    I have yet to hear even one of them with the courage to come right out and quote what she said that caused them to respond the way they have.

  28. by HatetheSwamp on January 25, 2025 9:38 am

    Her simple plea for kindness and empathy has created a firestorm of anger and protest from Trump and his followers who represent themselves as ”Christians”.


    How would you know? Or, are you watching Fox again. Last night's The Five, was a doozy, ain't!!!!!? Bahaha.

    I'll ask a fourth time: If Trump were to take Bishop Budde's exhortation to heart, what would he be doing?

  29. by Indy! on January 25, 2025 10:20 am

    I know from you and the other Brown Shorts on the board, cop killer.

  30. by meagain on January 25, 2025 12:34 pm
    "I'll ask a fourth time: If Trump were to take Bishop Budde's exhortation to heart, what would he be doing?"

    Why not ask what he should not be doing? It would be more instructive here.

    As for 'not doing.' The medical injunction to "Do no harm," would be a good starting point.

  31. by HatetheSwamp on January 25, 2025 1:14 pm

    I thought about it but, no. I'm sticking with Bishop Budde. Trump should "have mercy upon" all those people who are scared.

    What, in action, does that mean?

  32. by oldedude on January 26, 2025 5:38 am
    So there's a difference between who we are trying to protect and not. I actually lived my life (and still do) protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Not useless "words." Actual actions. It's interesting to see many squawk words they won't put into action. It just sounds like a bunch of parrots or crows in the background. I haven't heard one single thing that anyone would do to actually make a tangible difference. Basically, it's all bitch and whine.

  33. by meagain on January 26, 2025 9:37 am
    "I haven't heard one single thing that anyone would do to actually make a tangible difference. Basically, it's all bitch and whine."

    If you are talking about what he could do, I would repeat that it is what he should not do that is the real question. The answer to that lies in probably every executive order he has made so far.

    Most urgent is to not destroy millions of families with his war on the undocumented.

    I am not impressed by your idea of what protecting people is.

  34. by Indy! on January 26, 2025 9:49 am

    I can help you there, meagain... OD's idea of "helping" people is to go in with the US military, occupy their land, steal their natural resources, hand out a few crumbs of food and then leave weapons so the people who were oppressing them before have more firepower to oppress them even further.

  35. by Ponderer on January 27, 2025 6:39 am

    I gotta admit, Indy!. That's been America's empirical standard operating procedure for a great many decades. You nailed it.

  36. by Indy! on January 27, 2025 9:58 am

    No industry is better at creating future business opportunities for themselves than the US military. If Mayor McSleaze really wanted to cut spending he could chop the military budget in half every year he was in office like clockwork and it would still be an overbloated useless mess of government waste when he finally did America a favor and vapor locked his fat ass on a Big Mac at the local DC McDonald's.

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