The introductory part of an article in the "The Bullet."
"he resistance to the MAGA juggernaut has already begun at community, city, and state levels.
The governors of Illinois and Colorado announced a new coalition called Governors Safeguarding Democracy, designed to protect state-level institutions against the threat of authoritarianism. It’s reported that more than 20 states are involved.
Governor Gavin Newsom called a special session of the California legislature to fund the state’s civil rights, climate action, LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, disaster funding, and protections shielding undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children. It’s been referred to as “Trump-proofing” California.
Less than a week after the election, 100,000 people registered for a call hosted by more than 200 organizations, including the Working Families Party, MoveOn, and Indivisible.
More than 40,000 people joined a call announcing a new version of the Indivisible Guide, which played a crucial role in mobilizing the first Trump Resistance.
Denver mayor Mike Johnston announced he will encourage people to protest mass immigrant deportations and that he would be willing to go to jail if necessary.
The Los Angeles city council passed a “sanctuary city” ordinance to bar using local resources to help federal immigration authorities. In emergency resolutions the city’s public school system reaffirmed itself as a “sanctuary” for undocumented immigrants and LGBTQ students. Denver, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and other cities have also passed sanctuary ordinances.
The organizers of the largest one-day demonstration in US history, the 2017 Women’s March, along with many other groups such as Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, are organizing a feminist People’s March for January 18, shortly before Trump’s inauguration.
Chicago officials have instituted community trainings designed to teach people how to spot and respond to immigration enforcement actions. A local training in mid-November drew nearly 600 people.
San Diego county supervisors voted to prohibit its sheriff’s department from working with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) on the federal agency’s enforcement of civil immigration laws, including those that allow for deportations.
The ACLU laid out a program to help cities and states become a “Firewall for Freedom,” blocking federal efforts to access private data, limiting cooperation with federal immigration authorities, banning federalization of state National Guard units, and funding abortion care and travel to get it.
The watchdog nonprofit Congressional Integrity Project initiated a “Civic Defense Project” as a rapid response “war room” to debunk baseless attacks and defend those unfairly targeted.
Some predict this resistance will fizzle. Others expect it to burgeon. Neither of these predictions can be counted on. What happens with the resistance to the MAGA juggernaut will depend on what people decide to do and whether they create means for action that can accomplish their ends. The purpose of this Prospectus is to contribute to the search for those means of action.