By Indy! January 17, 2025 1:25 am Category: Movies (0.0 from 0 votes)
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So after talking about director William Friedkin in another thread, I decided to dig a little deeper into his catalog because every movie of his I’ve seen is interesting. One I had not seen was “BUG” which came out in 2006 starring Ashley Judd and Michael Shannon (before anybody knew who he was). It didn’t get very good reviews so I wasn’t really interested in the past, but it was available on Prime and I have a free membership now so why not? I’m glad I did.
It’s a horror/thriller that takes a long slow road to get to the point - leaving all kinds of bread crumbs along the way to keep you guessing. I see why it wasn’t popular in 2006 because it probably seemed over the top and hysterical at the time. Now it’s dead on. I don’t want to give any of it away because it's worth it to go in blind - I didn’t even read the Prime description before starting it up. But I will say - like a lot of Friedkin’s films -it takes awhile to get going so you have to be patient. There will also be leaps of faith along the way (I suspect the studio probably wanted a shorter film so a director’s cut would be nice). But holy cow Ashley Judd is a revelation and scary as all get out when everything starts coming together. Michael Shannon is Michael Shannon - fantastic. The plot is never what it seems - even after it’s over. It’s a cliche, a thriller, a parody and true horror that hits home - all wrapped up in 100 minutes of film.
Highly recommended.
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