I love this!
“Bro, do I have to sue CNN? They’re making shit up! They keep saying I’m taking horse dewormer,” Rogan told comedian Tom Segura (transcribed by Variety). “I literally got it from a doctor. It’s an American company, they won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for use in human beings, and CNN is saying I’m taking horse dewormer. They must know that’s a lie. What they didn’t highlight is that I got better. They try to make it seem as if, like, I’m doing some whacky shit that’s completely ineffective and CNN was saying that I’m a distributor of misinformation.”
Rogan quickly recovered from his fight against COVID-19 and told his social media followers the medicinal witches brew “quickly and easily” rid him of the virus. Not surprisingly, his speedy recovery did little to stop online skeptics from criticizing his controversial methods.
Good for you, Joe. I'm glad you kicked COVID.
I've noticed that the COVID-woke, including some here, are obsessed with the Ivermectin thing. Typical, trendy, woke silliness.
What I know is that proved liar St. Anthony of Fauci, and all of the so called experts, still don't know squat about COVID yet and its annoys COVID woke fascists, and their groupies, when people treat the illness using their own ingenuity and imagination.
Joe, I'm glad that you are better and I'm thankful that some people still are willing to be bold in thinking for themselves.
Oh, and, yeah. Hire the slimiest lawyer you can and sue the pants off of CNN.