by oldedude on October 30, 2024 8:30 pm
I know that being self-employed, you don't get a retirement unless you pimp yourself off to your daddy's "friends" (under his skirts).
The rest of us get a retirement for the years worked and a return for that time. Please don't begrudge people who actually work for a fucking living what they have when they retire. Do you begrudge steel workers? Or other factory workers? They did the same thing. So what you're doing is telling them that everyone that worked for any manufacturing, tech, or service industry, that they are living off of fucking welfare. The difference is that we didn't get paid overtime. If so, I could of retired 20 years ago considering I spent half my time deployed. That equals 168 hours/week x 5+ deployments (in a war zone) at an average of 7 months+ per deployments.
So you know what, stupid out of work and unemployable "artist"? fuck you. And remember it's your "butties" that I was there trying to save the people you hate (our military that you fucking hate) from IEDs, IVPs, and EFPs that are built by your BEST butties (you love manlove thursdays!) the Iranians. These send molten metals (depending on what they're made of) through the vehicle. They take off legs at the hips, arms, and just plain murdered people in an instant. The worst part is the pain for the victim. It goes through so fucking hot; the nerves will fire for the next six to 10 months (meaning there's an immense amount of pain unless they sedated with morphine. Which fucking accounts for veterans looking for fentanyl. So fuck you again, because you're killing my brothers and sisters at 22/day. You don't even rate pissing near them you slimy little cunt. let me know where you're buried and we'll piss on your grave, and then shit on it.
by HatetheSwamp on October 31, 2024 3:30 am
Truth: Cackles was leading in the polls and favored in the betting markets until the day JD spanked Tampon in their debate.