He was 89 years old and, by all accounts, as vital as anyone his age has ever been...
...until two weeks ago when he began to feel ill.
His condition gradually worsened to the point that he was hospitalized. He didn't respond well to treatment. According to my cousin who's been the contact person for the family...our Kayleigh McEnany, certainly not Jen Psaki...his last four days were agonizing until he died.
He lived most of his life in the middle Atlantic states and New England and, as many of those people do, ultimately settled in Florida when he retired.
I don't know if he was vaccinated, though knowing him as I did, I can't imagine that he was not.
My cousin is the oldest child and has left Pennsylvania for Florida to try to figure out what sort of memorial can be arranged. I didn't want to burden him with the questions about vax and masks, etc..
(When my mom died of COVID here in Pennsylvania more than a year ago, the funeral director put her body in two body bags and, then, into the casket with no embalming. The only service was brief and at the grave site.)
It's horrible.