by oldedude on June 26, 2024 8:32 pm
2) I don't blame you for taking advantage of what the army offered you - I'm just saying "working" for the army is not like actually working in the real world. Since you have never held a job in the real world - it makes perfect sense that you would not understand this.
Well, the facts are (that I've mentioned before if you could read my posts). I started working at 12 years old on a paper route. I worked retail and restaurant throughout high school. During part of when I was working in the Reserves, I was working as an Intelligence analyst for law enforcement. After I retired (fully), I was working for US Treasury/ FinCEN. So what part of the "real world did I miss?"
Then, asshole, I was NEVER in the Army. I've said that several times, and actually gave you a website to what I did in the military. So on this, you're at least a moron, but I'm "playing" nice.
Were you "scamming" the army when you ate their shitty crap they call "food"?
first princess, you don't have a clue what I was or wasn't eating. You've admitted you know NOTHING about the military. Here's the difference. If you're living off base, you get food allowance. If you eat on base, you have to pay for it (if you're not on a rations' card. So in essence, with the exceptions of the initial schools (which were pretty good food, we had to eat in the dining facilities, and on deployments because there was no where else to eat you could trust. So you need to check your shit.
I would have done them using my intellect -
Noooo, If you take something of value from the rightful owner, it's called "THEFT". Ergo, You're a little fucking thief with a very, very fragile ego.
And what's this all about "intellect" without morals? That's what you're really about. ZERO MORALS.
I signed a contract. I received half of what was given me in my first contract. Why? because assholes like you think I don't work. I've never bitched about it. Why? Integrity. I've never been a victim of my life. You on the other hand are continually a victim of everyone else you don't have control over.
Why are you egging me on? What I thought of you before still holds and will continue. You keep proving it every time you post. Keep reading.
No, it isn't like being in the civilian world. In the civilian world, you can be a lazy fuck, living off of other people (like you've said), being nothing more than a slug that is a tax on everyone else's existence. Go to a comic book college, pretend to make money while stealing from others. Then when you don't make what other's do, you just be a little bitch and whine about how they're bad people because they had morals and intellect.
In the military, you're expected to be on a continual learning program for your entire career in order to make the grade. As enlisted, you're expected to have a college degree by the time you're an E6. If not, you're not promoted. And you get rated, in writing every year. I was also deployed (meaning I picked up my shit, and was meeting an aircraft) within 2, or 4 hours of notification and usually VERY EARLY in the AM.
I went from 1.5 years in school (it takes that long to get certified in my field between the medical part, getting certified as a Master Parachutist with two other certifications, do your other Air Force Courses, monthly physical tests, stay certified in your jumps (parachute jumps), SCUBA dives, and medical proficiencies in those, and prove yourself on a daily basis. The jumps and dives were all different. e.g. Jump out of an aircraft at 40,000', breathe on O2 until you're down to ~12,000' land 180km away from where you jumped and land on a 10metre circle (5 points), or the 5 metre circle (10 points), and timed on your way coming down, and if you stayed walking when you landed. or a straight leg jump. Or working off of different NATO rotary wing.
Then you have a movement schedule. After I graduated my school, I rotated to Europe for four years. Before I got there I had to go to courses trained by some of the best special forces operators in the world. The base was not my choice but was excellent. When not deployed, I had to fulfill all the requirements (see above) of my career field. In this work, we were assigned to different NATO countries so we could gain experience in what they did.
I came back to the US for 18 months. During that time, I went to four DoD/USG schools, got certified in anti-terrorism, level III, and others. Increased my ability to deep dive, dive contained air, and other things.
********** So that was the first 6 years of my time in**************
Does it look like some civilian scumbag job? No. I did things you can't dream about because you have no clue they exist. You're nothing but a virgin in life, thinking the world if full of unicorns and pink palaces.