by HatetheSwamp on August 24, 2021 5:01 am
He also didn't inform the coalition partners (which they've publicly stated). -OD
Welcome back, OD.
Notice how quickly the Swampcult Blue MAGAs resort to name calling, compared to usual?
For the sake of our allies in Afghanistan, I wish that I could have been wrong about the demented doddering ex trucker but I was spot on.
And, po and Donna and Curt, I think, have to be approaching the point that they can't deny it...and may have those moments of weakness when they wonder, ever so briefly, if we'd have been better with Trump as President.
po and Donna and Curt continue to be cold hearted about women and girls and the LGBTQ community in Afghan but, sooner or later, iPhone videos of atrocities will begin to filter out into their world. MSNBC may even show a few.
And, I'll repeat. Don't blame me, I voted....