by oldedude on August 23, 2021 11:04 pm
The issue with using biden quotes, is they are either filled with lies and deceit, or he's the stupidest person that could remember to breathe.
I do agree with using Trump's doctrine on this. The idea from Trumps point of view is to evac/ extract persons as we shrunk the forces (meaning coalition forces, meaning not forgetting the Japanese, Brits, Ozies, Canuks, Germans, etc.) This issue is more about not listening to the Intel community and military. His DNI is a complete moron, and didn't listen to 22 Intel Officers that put their jobs on the line to tell him this was a complete goat fuck. I'm not even read in on (most) of what goes on in that part of the world, and myself and thousands of other troops knew what was going to happen.
And yes, British Parliament is really pissed. I can't blame them. we absolutely left British citizens, their terps, and their military without any support whatsoever.
In reference to Curt's statement that in the case of political and/or military cooperation. ROK has asked us to leave the peninsula at a faster rate because they feel that it's easier to trust Kim than biden. Japan is also giving us the cold shoulder regarding annual joint military exercises.
These animals have been going house to house looking for excuses to torture and murder people. Those we "promised" to get out of there are now on their own.
But the chickens are coming home to roost. We've already caught numerous individuals with terrorist ties trying to get in to the US. They'll draw on the chaos from BLM and antifada to watch how police react (or don't) and plan. Of course Americans have the focus of a gnat, so while we all forget about what we did, they'll start attacking just like they've always done.
by Donna on August 24, 2021 8:34 am
Still stuck on BLM and antifa, neither of which DHS considers a threat, while not even giving mention to groups the DHS considers our biggest terrorist threat: White nationalists.
I have to ask, OD - is that because you're a White nationalist?