ABC MUIR 7,239,000
CBS 60 MINS 6,216,000
NBC HOLT 5,903,000
CBS O'DONNELL 4,314,000
FOX FIVE 3,162,000
ABC GMA 2,724,000
FOX WATTERS 2,696,000
NBC TODAY 2,696,000
MSNBC MADDOW 2,585,000
FOX HANNITY 2,370,000
NBC MEET PRESS 2,263,000
FOX GUTFELD 2,222,000
ABC THE VIEW 2,0217,000
FOX BAIER 2,196,000
CBS MORNINGS 2,187,000
FOX INGRAHAM 2,149,000
I still glance at the Drudge Report from time to time.
Drudge is SwampMedia. He's about as unbiased as Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity.
And, that's fine if you are like pb and OD and not like most here who consume news to fan the flames of the preferences and prejudices that they take with them to every moment of their lives.
I love Drudge for his side interests. Two especially. One? Drudge is really into hurricanes.
During the summer and autumn months, every time there's a whisper about a storm developing in, especially, the Atlantic, he posts cones and computer projections on the track of the storm and, if there's US landfall?, there could be a political assassination attempt and Drudge would lead with the storm. So, if you share that interest, keep that in mind.
Drudge is a numbers guy and, from time to time, he posts TV ratings, often of news shows. That's what I copied on the top of the page.
A few observations:
One is that, while Fox still kicks @$$ in cable "news," its ratings are still down from the firing of Tucker Carlson. It's top show, The Five, not even a prime time show, has recovered some but is still down about 10% since Tucker. Also, GUTFELD! truly is the king of late night. Finally, the literal Rachel can't pull in more viewers than Jesse Watters. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.
Then,... as far as network nightly news, ABC is currently the reigning monarch.
Finally? CNN's ratings continue to decline.
pb wonders why Drudge chose this day to post the ratings. His guess? To make the point that the Biden string-pullers made a curious choice in demanding that CNN host the first debate.
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