I started out to be one of the prime supporters of the FISA courts and PATRIOT Act. I know that indy hasn't been. I've always felt the government is more responsible for itself than apparently what it really is.
Since obomber, there have been flat out abuses of the FISA courts and PATRIOT Act, the intent and content of their thin lines of special applications in US law that generally violate the constitution. I honestly couldn't believe that ANY administration could have the balls to not take this act seriously. I felt then, as I feel now, that any agency that violated this act is nothing more than the beginning of the end of this republic.
Title I: Enhancing domestic security against terrorism
Title II: Enhanced surveillance procedures
Title III: Anti-money-laundering to prevent terrorism
Title IV: Border security
Title V: Removing obstacles to investigating terrorism
Title VI: Victims and families of victims of terrorism
Title VII: Increased information sharing for critical infrastructure protection
Title VIII: Terrorism criminal law
Title IX: Improved intelligence
Title X: Miscellaneous
Title I of the Patriot Act authorizes measures to enhance the ability of domestic security services to prevent terrorism. The title established a fund for counter-terrorist activities and increased funding for the Terrorist Screening Center which is administered by the FBI. The military was authorized to provide assistance in some situations that involve weapons of mass destruction when so requested by the Attorney General. The National Electronic Crime Task Force was expanded, along with the President's authority and abilities in cases of terrorism.
It originally included "the prayer of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the Archbishop of Washington in a Mass on September 12, 2001 for our Nation and the victims in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist hijackings and attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania reminds all Americans that 'We must seek the guilty and not strike out against the innocent or we become like them who are without moral guidance or proper direction.'"
The act is a fine line passed ONLY in order to protect itself from another 9/11 or more serious incident. Initially, it has (kind of) done that. The US has the most robust banking system that keeps away unlawful use by those who wish to destroy us. It was Treasury that linked the 9/11 case. And the Tsarnaev family. This turned into an extremely important feature of charging them federally and linking them internationally including their handlers outside the US. Had the brothers not been so stupid, the bomb would have cut a swath in downtown Boston as well as any car bomb in Ireland or the middle east.
The abuses though, must be looked at. Those abusers need to be accountable for their actions and charged with the appropriate prosecution we charge others that violate our constitution and those laws that protect us all.
"Professionals" that LIE to the FISA courts by changing evidence given to the FISA courts, or knowingly use false or inaccurate information are on the top of my list. Knowingly taking action that abuses the act should be considered the worst of the worst. Not just "being able to retire." Those people should be stripped of any job they have and spend the maximum amount of federal prison time allowed. General population, no parole.
Others that abuse this act are those who minimize this law and compare someone "hurt feelings" with the intent and content of the PATRIOT Act. This administration has championed the wokester mentality of butthurt equals 3,000 dead. That's bullshit. If you use the PATRIOT Act to charge a crime, prosecution needs to show intent, organization, and ability to use terrorist acts to produce a higher level according to the law. The prime example is; are parents pisseed off at school board members that chose NOT to tell them their child was raped with the Tsarnaev family of importing and building a terrorist cell in the US and carrying out a mass casualty incident.