This is a NYT poll, gang.
As much as the metaphorical Rachel and Curt's Holy Trinity want to cover up for the Doddering Old Fool's stumbles and stammering mumbles,...
...and as much as our intentionally misinformed Swampcult progressives struggle to Good German themselves into believing that Joe's da man,...
...even Donna's classic low information are catching on. The Former Truck Driver is a "feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap."
In a year in which voters are will to find a third-party option, even many Dems don't want Joe to be the nominee.
President Joe Biden is struggling to overcome doubts about his leadership inside his own party and broad dissatisfaction over the nation’s direction, leaving him trailing behind Donald Trump just as their general-election contest is about to begin, a new poll by The New York Times and Siena College has found.
With eight months left until the November election, Biden’s 43% support lags behind Trump’s 48% in the national survey of registered voters.
Only 1 in 4 voters think the country is moving in the right direction. More than twice as many voters believe Biden’s policies have personally hurt them as believe his policies have helped them. A majority of voters think the economy is in poor condition. And the share of voters who strongly disapprove of Biden’s handling of his job has reached 47%, higher than in Times/Siena polls at any point in his presidency.
The poll offers an array of warning signs for the president about weaknesses within the Democratic coalition, including among women, Black and Latino voters. So far, it is Trump who has better unified his party, even amid an ongoing primary contest.