As much as our Dem Good Germans, choose to exist, without check, within the universe of the preferences and prejudices they bring with them to every moment of their lives,... pretend to themselves that their subjectivity is real-world objectivity,... this is fact.
Oh, and,...
FYI, in head to polls, RCP has it with Trump up 2.9%... 47.2-44.3!!!!!
And, of course, if Trump merely breaks even in the popular vote, he wins in the Electoral College... by a lot.
So, you Dem Good Germans, seriously. Why?
Trump is despicable. We despise Trump. And, his personal approval is what?, in the 30s... yet, he's, as po'd say, EFFINdestroying the Doddering Old Fool in the polls.
Is it Israel, i.e., progressive antisemitism? Is it Bidenomics?, i.e., inflation and Joe and Karine Jean-Pierre telling people who know how much groceries really cost them, that the Biden economy is just grand? Is it Joe's open border policies which allow thieves, truckloads of fentanyl and human traffickers to waltz over the border.
Sumpthin else?
Whadaya think? Seriously?... because Trump has effinNEVER done this well in presidential polls!!!!!
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