This is a WaPo article. Note the, as po'd say, blatant, as po'd say, EFFIN, vicious Christophobia. Lots of this could be written by Heather... and quoted by isle.
Still, the evangelical love for Trump boggles the mind.
Yet, in a way, Trump is a Christlike figure. As despicable as Trump is, he's the innocent victim of the "High Priest" of the Swamp.
Still, he's, truthfully and despicably, all that the first paragraph I quote says he is.
My wife and I rarely discuss politics. We did yesterday while I was waiting for the Packers' thrashing of the 'Boys' to kick off. Neither of us understand Trump’s evangelical support. Like pb, she'll probably vote third party...but not for Trump.
In several ways, Trump is an unlikely hero for those who identify as deeply religious Christians given his history of committing adultery, promoting falsehoods, and uttering vulgar comments and insults about women and people who cross him. But many have overlooked these indiscretions and questionable morals.
“The support has gone from begrudging to enthusiastic. Many evangelicals now see Trump as their champion and defender — perhaps even savior,” said Barry Hankins, a history professor at Baylor University who is an expert in evangelicalism. “Unwittingly, in my view, many evangelicals are welcoming authoritarianism and courting blasphemy.”
Paul Figie, a pastor and a Trump caucus captain, said Trump is “ordained by God.” He pointed to how he has seen Trump as being mistreated by the justice system and Democrats, equating the former president to a martyr. He dismissed the viability of other candidates, saying he was convinced that a higher power would put Trump back in office.
“Trump is the guy to be in there, and amen,” he said.
Trump has accused the Biden administration of discriminating against people of faith,...
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