by oldedude on January 4, 2024 2:44 pm
So if the George Floyd protests in LaFayette Park and elsewhere qualify as insurrection,
I've heard of them as "riots" which are quite different. I would also label the "summer of love event" as riots.
On Monday, President Trump said he would deploy the military against protesters if local officials cannot stop violence that has erupted in some areas. Only states can activate the National Guard, so many questioned whether the president has the legal authority to deploy troops in American cities.
There are circumstances where a president can do so [deploy the military] under the Insurrection Act of 1807, which has been amended several times in the years since.
So which is it? Only the Governors can or not? You just double talked yourself.
Also, DC mayor refused to have any military enter the district. When she did, it was almost too late to do their mission. the little nancy refused to allow the fences to go up until it was too late. This was a complete goat fuck in January when hotels refused to take the military because they were military (even though the hotels were paid). The troops were without food, water, toilets, shelter, and were told NOT to bring any of their overnight gear because of what was agree upon prior to the deployment.. Thusly the lawsuit to the city of DC. Some governors hired transportation from other states, came out and got their people because of what happened. Thank God for DC Guard, a Sergeant Major from the DC unit, knew about some "Meals Rejected by Ethiopians" (MREs) the troops subsisted on for over a week without being able to heat them up.
Here's the way this works.
The president is read into the situation.
In that meeting, the commander of Reserve forces and National Guard are there.
The prez asks "do we need troops onsite for this?" His cabinet folks say yes.
The reserve forces (reserves and national guard) have already been read into the situation. They know what they should offer for the situation, what units are available, and the time it takes them to mobilize. Lets say the reserve CC offers three companies of Marine Military Police. The cabinet winces (Marines? ouch!). The National Guard CC says I have a total of four companies of Army MPs. I also have a squadron of Satellite Communications that can be in DC tomorrow at the earliest, and my suggestion is they get into DC prior to the traffic rush tomorrow AM. Prez says "we need..." The governors of the states of the NG units have already been briefed. They are to be on Title 10 orders (which means they are "loaned" by the governor, and used by the feds). They "arrange" for food, shelter, water, all the logistics.