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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
If you think that preventing Trump from becoming president again will save democracy, sorry, you are too late.
By Curt_Anderson
December 23, 2023 12:29 pm
Category: Politics

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When we vacationed in Italy, we befriended an engineering student. He later visited us in the United States. While he was here he remarked "your president is better than our prime minister". At the time Silvio Berlusconi was the Italian PM and Bill Clinton was president. I asked, "you mean Clinton is better than Berlusconi?" He said, "No, all your presidents are better!".

Since our founding, we have counted on voter intelligence and their ability to reject obvious scoundrels from obtaining high elective office. We elected presidents with gravitas. Donald Trump changed all that.

In the past, any politician who did any of the following would slink away from politics to "spend more time with his family":
Credibly accused of rape
Consorting with porn actresses
Bragging about grabbing pussies
Making ludicrous (and unfulfilled) promises like Mexico will pay for a border wall.
Sued for or convicted of fraud
Charged with tax evasion
Illegally taking, mishandling and retaining classified documents
Browbeating state and local election officials
Conspiring to interfere with halt the peaceful transfer of power
Losing some 60 court cases and countless recounts in a failed attempt to cling to power
Leaving office in a snit, refusing to appear on his successor's inauguration.
Quoting Hitler, even privately.
Promising to be a dictator (even only on the first day)

Donald Trump, who possesses a remarkable lack of shame, has proved to every future miscreant, felon and reprobate that a tawdry personal life or criminality is no impediment to a successful political career. In fact for those facing criminal charges, simply running for office can be a way to forestall and possibly avoid prosecution.

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Comments on "If you think that preventing Trump from becoming president again will save democracy, sorry, you are too late.":

  1. by islander on December 23, 2023 12:44 pm

    I agree with you Curt. What we are witnessing is the culmination of the whole Republican Movement Conservative's attack on our Democracy that began decades ago. Defeating Trump will be the first step in what could be a long battle to save our Democracy.

    If he is elected, the odds will be stacked even more against us.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2023 12:58 pm
    I agree, we all must do our best to stop another Trump presidency, but the damage to democracy has already been done. Those voters who seem to see politics as an extension of reality TV cheer on and support the most despicable, most corrupt candidates.

    I didn't mention this above, but being a boor like Trump is now emulated by other aspiring politicians. Vivek Ramaswamy, for example, is an enthusiastic embracer of boorish behavior on the debate stage.

  3. by islander on December 24, 2023 8:38 am

    Curt, I know you, Donna, and Ponderer and myself are doing what we can here on this board, and I hope there are a lot of other people who read these posts but don't post themselves. I've even suggested to some family and friends to visit this site specifically to read oldedude and Hate's posts. Their posts were a shocking eye opener to my hard core Movement Conservative sister who has had been an ardent Trump supporter from the beginning.

    I've been doing a lot on FB as well with some genuinely surprising good results. But of course those are among family members and people I know.

    A number of those folks are now following Heather Cox Richardson's Letters From an American and I'm glad to see how much her readership has increased and is steadily increasing across across our country. Teri Kanefield and Marcy Wheeler are also gaining readers although Marcy Wheeler's Empty Wheel site is probably more suited for lawyers but still, even the ordinary readers can gain some insights from the comments.

    It's going to be a long tough battle and I don't just mean defeating Trump. But I am optimistic.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2023 8:49 am

    Their posts were a shocking eye opener to my hard core Movement Conservative sister who has had been an ardent Trump supporter from the beginning.

    Thing is. We ain't conservative. We be libertarians. Wake up, bubba. Sniff the rosies.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on December 24, 2023 9:14 am
    You obviously know next to nothing about libertarianism, and you definitely do not share the views of the libertarian party. Libertarians oppose restrictions on immigration and abortion. They oppose the anti-gay and so-called anti-woke policies of Ron DeSantis, who you supposedly prefer. Libertarians oppose “foreign entanglements“ which includes our involvement with Ukraine and Israel.

    If anything, you are a populist lacking any coherent, political philosophy

  6. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2023 9:21 am

    Exactly, I don't know what I mean when I talk about the Swamp. And, I don't know if I'm a libertarian.

    I will own up not being being a Kat Timpf libertarian.

  7. by Indy! on December 24, 2023 9:47 am

    Agree with Curt and Islander's posts at the top there, but believe it goes far deeper than the so called "Conservative movement". This has nothing to do with politics imho. Trump is not conservative. DeSantis is not either. They are merely tools of the rich and powerful. There has been a concentrated effort not to be "Constitutionalists" or any thing other than simply eliminating the power of the People thru destroying the education system and unions, suppressing wages, and concentrating power and control at the top of the economic scale. We're witnessing the end result of the 1% taking over the country and destroying everything that makes us country except the military they need to inflict their will on other countries. As we see with Trump - they don't care about laws or morals or "shame" because they have none. All they have are willing dupes like OD and peebs here to do their bidding. That's all they need - a dumbed-down populace who only cares about the drama (the "reality tv" aspect). It's an insidious plan and it has worked well.

    And btw - the Clintons were certainly a part of it. The Obamas were (and are) giddy participants as well. There are no "sides" - there is rich and poor and we're all in the latter.

  8. by Indy! on December 24, 2023 9:48 am

    Oh - forgot - merry Christmas, everyone. 🎅🏻

  9. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2023 9:51 am

    "Trump is not conservative."

    Preach it, bruh. I've been trying to splain that to po for YEEEEEEARS! po's hate is misplaced...and. po's waaaaaaaaaay too dense to admit it.

  10. by islander on December 24, 2023 10:23 am

    You're right, Indy !!

    Trump is not a conservative. Trump is a useful tool of the Movement Conservatives. There is a pretty good article in Wikipedia that describes who and what they are. They now control what used to be the GOP. My hope is that the real Republicans can somehow, gain control of the party again. And you are right, od and Hate, whether knowingly or unknowingly are aiding and abetting the Movement Conservatives.

    And a very Merry Christmas to you too !!

  11. by Indy! on December 24, 2023 10:34 am

    I got this far...

    "The term movement conservatives refers to those people who argue that big government constitutes the most serious problem....

    Nope. Whoever authored that is still falling for the kabuki theater. The wealthy are perfectly fine with big government as long as it's the government that serves them and no one else. They need it to shift the wealth of the country to themselves as they have been doing for close to half a century.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2023 10:38 am

    Trump is not a conservative. Trump is a useful tool of the Movement Conservatives.

    Who's whose tool?

    I think that you are wrong...and, that, again... STILL... you are underestimating Trump. If you're paying attention to the GOP Primaries, you have to know that "Movement Conservatives" are beside themselves trying to find a way not to have Trump as the GOP nominee. They, as po'd say, EFFINhate him!

    I think your whole side would be best served by acknowledging that you are deranged and work on getting sane about Trump.

    Everyone here opposes Trump and you are the best shot at the dumpTrump thing... and, you are sooooooo wrong!

  13. by islander on December 24, 2023 11:16 am

    The term movement conservatives refers to those people who argue that big government constitutes the most serious problem....

    The big government they see as the problem is the one Reagan referred to…the government that regulates their large corporations and banks, taxed their money and redistributed it to the unworthy which is one reason why they hated the New Deal.

    And you are absolutely right. “The wealthy are perfectly fine with big government as long as it's the government that serves them and no one else. They need it to shift the wealth of the country to themselves as they have been doing for close to half a century.” And they have been doing a remarkably good job of it. The top 1% of American earners now control more wealth than the nation's entire middle class. And as we know, those with the most money have the most power and the ones with the most power make the rules. That’s why they fear a government where your vote, my vote, and the single mom’s vote counts just as much as the top dogs with all the money and power...which would be the case in a “Democracy”.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2023 11:38 am

    The term movement conservatives refers to those people who argue that big government constitutes the most serious problem....

    I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

    In truth, so-called conservativism is the home of openness and inclusion, acceptance, tolerance and diversity... and, freedom.

    Actually, you're thinking about conservatives in a way that you must think of libs. Libs, in practice, are locksteppin, one size fits all-ers. Not conservatives.

    Think Ron DeSantis. Splain to me how he's opposed to big government. DeSantis is every bit as big government as the Doddering Old Fool's string-pullers. He's just anti-abortion, "family values" big government. But, he's definitely big government.

    Your "big government constitutes the most serious problem?" That's Ronald Reagan. Early Rush Limbaugh. In 023, isle, that's minority thinking...

    ...and, until y'nes become more thoughtful about who opposes you?, I think you're playing a losing hand.

  15. by islander on December 24, 2023 11:49 am

    Hate is confusing conservatism with "Movement Conservatism" They are not the same thing.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on December 24, 2023 12:12 pm

    Okay fine. Fair. I've never heard that term from someone on the right. Maybe you watch Fox, ONN and Newsmax more than I.

    I know it from progressives who are haters. What is a Movement Conservative?

  17. by islander on December 24, 2023 12:22 pm

    What is a Movement Conservative?

    See post #10 Click on the Wiki link to get a rough idea.

  18. by Indy! on December 24, 2023 1:14 pm

    I don't think people are underestimating Trump this time around. IMHO, a lot of the Trump votes have nothing to do with policy, but are simply protest votes against the failed system currently masquerading as our government. Trump pisses off the establishment and refuses to play the game the way peebs' "Swamp" plays it and that's good enough for them. If Trump games the system to make cash - so what? It's not like all the others didn't do the same thing - just according to the decorum rules of DC... Do the dirty deeds NOW - take the bribes AFTER you leave office. And if the government is overthrown in a J6-like event due to Trump? That's fine too because all we have now is a mess serving only one small slice of Americans who have the money and power to buy representation.

  19. by Ponderer on December 26, 2023 7:21 am

    You forgot a bullet point there, Curt. This should have been the end of it right here...

  20. by oldedude on December 26, 2023 7:51 am
    curt #5 Libertarians oppose restrictions on immigration and abortion.
    As long as we know who's coming in, which you DON'T believe in. Abortion is left up to the state per our constitution.

    They oppose the anti-gay and so-called anti-woke policies of Ron DeSantis, who you supposedly prefer.
    They also oppose the government interference with parents trying to raise their children, and putting said parents on the Terrorist watch list so they can monitor their travels and provide warrantless phone taps. A real libertarian believes that is a massive over-reach of the federal government.

    Libertarians oppose “foreign entanglements“ which includes our involvement with Ukraine and Israel.
    I can live with that.

    A mainstream of libertarianism is small federal government with very distinct allowable jobs as outlined by the Constitution. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing equality before the law and civil rights to freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of choice.

  21. by HatetheSwamp on December 26, 2023 11:05 am

    The term movement conservatives refers to those people who argue that big government constitutes the most serious problem....

    The big government they see as the problem is the one Reagan referred to…the government that regulates their large corporations and banks, taxed their money and redistributed it to the unworthy which is one reason why they hated the New Deal.

    So, Trump is a Reagan conservative, then, isle?

    You wanna make that case?

  22. by islander on December 26, 2023 11:30 am

    Never said Trump was a Conservative or a Movement Conservative You are well aware of that, Hate. See your post # 12 and my post # 10 to see it in context.

  23. by HatetheSwamp on December 26, 2023 11:39 am

    Fair enuff, isle how do you reckon Trump is a "useful tool" of the movement conservatives? No offense. The evidence seems to prove the opposite to ol pb.

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