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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
BRILLIANT! Colorado Saves Democracy By Not Allowing People To Vote For Preferred Candidate
By HatetheSwamp
December 23, 2023 3:23 am
Category: Politics

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So, you woke, white electric limousine lovin progressive Swampcultists wanna know why Trump is gaining in the polls in a head to head match-up against "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap?"

It's because this BEE article comes dangerously close to describing what po and Curt think in their heart of heart...

...and the people who don't belong to your cult are laughing at you. Baha baha ha!

DENVER, CO — In a heroic effort to save American Democracy, the Colorado Supreme Court has voted to prevent residents of Colorado from voting for their preferred candidate.

"I love democracy, and this is why we had to vote to overrule the millions of Colorado citizens who want to elect Trump through the democratic process," said Colorado Justice and white woman Melissa Hart after the vote. "Trump is a terrifying orange man and if he's elected he will likely grow to over 50 feet and rampage through the country killing people with his laser eyes. Our democracy is too precious for us to allow that to happen."

Democracy experts also applauded this democracy-subverting move to make sure democracy wasn't subverted. "Just think. If 4 people in robes hadn't taken away the voting rights of millions, we would have lost our democracy!" said journalist and democracy expert Linda Florgbott. "Thank God we saved it just in time."

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Comments on "BRILLIANT! Colorado Saves Democracy By Not Allowing People To Vote For Preferred Candidate":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on December 23, 2023 10:09 am
    Republicans love to say that America is not a democracy, but rather a republic. That is true if you limit the definition of democracy to mean that citizens vote on each and every issue. We don’t have that because we have representatives for whom we vote to make these decisions.

    I also hear from Republicans how preferable it is that our elected officials make decisions on the state and yet the local level rather than making decisions nationally. Republicans will praise the Dobbs decision on those grounds.

    In the Colorado case Republicans are getting with they purportedly want. The Colorado state Supreme Court justices who voted the kick Trump off the ballot were all elected by the people of Colorado. It is a decision that only affects that state.

  2. by Indy! on December 23, 2023 10:21 am

    Curt... you're talking to a crowd that thinks the Babylon Bee is funny.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on December 23, 2023 10:24 am

    I also hear from Republicans how preferable it is that our elected officials make decisions on the state and yet the local level rather than making decisions nationally.

    My guess is that, in truth, you hardly know a d@ng thing about what GOPs really say. I'm sure, though, that you're well versed in what your Holy Trinity says they say. Not the same thing.

    But, more and more, GOPs groove wholeheartedly on that blesséd Tenth Amendment.

  4. by oldedude on December 23, 2023 3:21 pm
    I also hear from Republicans how preferable it is that our elected officials make decisions on the state and yet the local level rather than making decisions nationally. Republicans will praise the Dobbs decision on those grounds.

    In the Colorado case Republicans are getting with they purportedly want. The Colorado state Supreme Court justices who voted the kick Trump off the ballot were all elected by the people of Colorado. It is a decision that only affects that state.

    curt. I'm having trouble understanding who knows less about the constitution. you or the "artist" formally known as princess. It might be funny if both of you weren't so serious about your statements.

    If states make a law that violates the constitution or the federal laws, there's a "lawsuit." They may start in state court, or they could start in federal circuit court, and eventually SCOTUS. That is one of the "checks and balances" we have in our constitution. Something you should have learned in the sixth grade.

    I'm going to suggest Our Constitution Rocks! By Juliette Turner. A quick read, and good reference guide for the easy stuff that even a public education should give you.

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