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Weaponry selectors, pages, etc.
What I've been saying about the border is now coming true
By oldedude
December 15, 2023 7:26 am
Category: Weaponry

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These are described as black powder and shrapnel. So pretty low tech, but a rapid escalation to the border war. These can range from pipe bombs to explosives that have the ability to go through heavy military armor, to also disperse lethal gas locally. The fact there are 10 individual packages means there's a bomb maker just on the other side of the border. Mexican's are not known for bomb making. The Irish taught the radical Islamists how to make bombs in the 1980's. And the middle east has been the hotbed for IED technology, with IRAN leading the pack. The Jihadists' are not well known for taking buildings down as of now, but they haven't had to. Their expertise is in taking out military vehicles and people.

In addition, 1 person with an AK, magazine(s), ammo and a pistol was found on the US side, along with 11 other armed individuals.

10 IEDs found at US-Mexico border in cartel gunfight
CBP is warning its agents to 'exercise extreme caution' after the Mexican military seized 10 IEDs at the border

A federal law-enforcement source shared with FOX Business Network an internal officer safety alert dated December 13th that warns CBP agents to be vigilant after the Mexican military seized 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the border.

The IEDs were found by Mexican authorities after Tucson border patrol observed gunshots at the U.S.-Mexico border and a Tucson supervisory border patrol agent arrested an armed person on the U.S. side who had a loaded AK-47 rifle, two loaded AK magazines, loose rounds and a handgun.

CBP is warning its agents to "exercise extreme caution and should report any possible armed subjects approaching the border with possible explosive devices," according to the memo.

A source tells FOX Business this cartel gun fight erupted over a gap in the border fence at the ranch that is typically used to smuggle drugs through. Now it’s a magnet for the cartel for human smuggling — and the gangs were fighting for control.

CBP's warning comes as Republicans are pushing for increased border safety measures to be included in President Biden’s $106 billion aid package for Israel and Ukraine.

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Comments on "What I've been saying about the border is now coming true":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2023 7:48 am

    This should be a duh. And, it is, as far as I can tell, to everyone with a functional brain.

  2. by oldedude on December 15, 2023 8:08 am
    I think so also. But in the world of butterflies, unicorns and rainbow-colored unicorns, it may not be so apparent.

    Aaaaannnnnnndddddd....just a few hours ago...

    Terror suspects arrested in Europe, including several linked to Hamas who were allegedly plotting against Jews

    Denmark was holding two people in custody and four others were the target of a terrorism investigation, a prosecutor said Friday, in a case that coincided with one arrest in the Netherlands and several in Germany of alleged Hamas members suspected of plotting attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions in Europe amid the ongoing war between Israel and the militant group in Gaza.

    Authorities in Denmark did not immediately confirm any link to Hamas, which has long been designated as a terror organization by the U.S., Israel and most European nations, but authorities in Germany said the three people arrested there were members, suspected of preparing for attacks against Jews in Europe.

    The two suspects being held in Denmark were ordered to remain in pretrial detention until Jan. 9. The whereabouts of the other four, and whether there was an ongoing search for them, weren't immediately known.

    In Germany, two men were arrested in Berlin and one in the Dutch city of Rotterdam, while a fourth suspect was temporarily detained in Berlin, Germany's federal prosecutor said. Authorities only identified the men by their first names and the first initial of their last name, in line with German privacy rules.

    In the Netherlands, police said a 57-year-old Dutch man was arrested in the city of Rotterdam, based on a request from German authorities, according to spokesman Jesse Brobbel. On Tuesday, the Dutch counterterrorism agency raised the country's threat alert to its second-highest level, saying the possibility of an attack in the country is now "substantial."

    Officials in Copenhagen did not provide any details beyond saying the arrests had "threads abroad" and were "related to criminal gangs," singling out the banned, predominantly immigrant gang Loyal to Familia that had long been behind feuds, violence, robberies, extortion and drug sales in the Danish capital.

    However, Flemming Drejer, the operative head of Denmark's Security and Intelligence Service, cryptically said police had "a special focus" on Jewish institutions. He said Denmark was not changing its terror threat level, which has been at "serious," the second-highest level, since 2010.

    The authorities alleged three of the men "have been longstanding members of Hamas and have participated in Hamas operations abroad." They said the suspects were "closely linked to the military branch's leadership" of Hamas, considered a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.

    German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann thanked the authorities for the arrests and said that "attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions have also increased in our country in recent weeks" due to the Israel-Hamas war.

  3. by HatetheSwamp on December 15, 2023 8:14 am

    Yeah. I saw that, too. And, d@gnabbit, it's the JewHate of the Neo Neo-Nazis that is enabling it!

  4. by oldedude on December 15, 2023 9:50 am
    We're back to fighting Abu Nidal, Black September, Bader Meinhof, Rota Brigade, and all those clowns all over again. Except now, they have a singular focus and aren't going to be those "lone wolves" as a mainstream. They'll be the outliers.

    I think the big news about the embedded article is that
    1. Hamas isn't the slipshod POS JV team the sheep think they are. Their standing just went up in the world.

    2. They not only have global operatives, but they're known by global IC agencies. There's good an bad in that, but Europe (at least) is aware of them and knows who they are.

    3. We also know they are mobile, well organized cells with a great infrastructure (well great for them). They have the ability to move from continent to continent and just pop up. That is scary.

    4. The global terrorist threat just tripled to the common person. (meaning the IC may was aware, and they don't tell us except what we need to know. Blinken, as much as I don't trust him, actually said this a few weeks ago. It's the first time I took him at his word.

    p.s. I'm wondering if they know where the bombs in Mexico came from. Also, I'm wondering if they instigated the firefight between the two groups just to get the bombs to send a message to the cartels.

  5. by Indy! on December 15, 2023 11:54 am

    So let me see if I have this straight, OD...

    So your fine with 100s of 1000s of AKs in the hands of who knows who in the United States...

    But one Mexican caught with an AK is cause for your concern? 🤔

  6. by oldedude on December 15, 2023 8:51 pm
    You mean in the middle of a transport of 10 IEDs and a Cartel member?

    I know the cartels are your butties, but yeah, I have an issue with stupid people carrying guns. Like I've said many, many, many times. Correct your cranial/ rectal inversion if you want to partake.

  7. by Indy! on December 16, 2023 12:51 am

    I actually did know some cartel members - and not fake imaginary ones in stories I made up like you, OD. The were fun guys who had a lot of good jokes about the US military trying to stop them from smuggling drugs into the country. Like this one…

    How many jarheads does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    147… 1 to screw in the lightbulb and 146 to fill out the paperwork.

  8. by oldedude on December 16, 2023 3:37 am
    I actually did know some cartel members - and not fake imaginary ones in stories I made up like you, OD.

    I didn't see your mommy in any of these, but she may have been "busy" elsewhere. See if you recognize any of your butties here. It's no wonder you survived.
    A note to the rest of SS. Although these are "open sourced" news, the pictures, videos, and stories can be disturbing. Again, indy is happy to acknowledge he knew these "people." They were people he hung out with apparently. See if you can find indy in the articles, like "where's waldo."

    California family of 6 killed in cartel-style execution: Sheriff
    GOSHEN, Calif. - Officials said the shooting that left a family of six dead in Central California was the result of a cartel-style execution.

    The family, including a 16-year-old mom and her 10-month-old baby, was found shot to death early Monday morning at a home in Goshen, the Tulare County Sheriff's office said.

    Inside Mexico’s drug gangs who force members to eat the hearts of their victims
    Inside the history of cannibalism in Mexican drug cartels, where teen enforcers are fed crack before feasting on the organs of their victims.

    Mexican prosecutors investigating gruesome cartel video showing victims forced to kill each other
    Mexican prosecutors are investigating a gruesome drug cartel video that may depict the executions of five young men who went missing after attending a festival in Jalisco last week.

    The video was making the rounds online Wednesday. Relatives of the young men – who went missing Friday in an area known for cartel violence – told media outlets that they recognized the clothing the victims were wearing.

    ‘Worse than any horror film’: Inside a Los Zetas cartel ‘kitchen’
    An estimated 60,000 disappeared in Mexico’s drug wars. Some were ‘cooked’ in ovens

    Bloody handprints on walls, stained clothes, plastic cable ties, machetes and, as one person observes, the crunch of bones beneath a thick blanket of ash. Amid sobbing, families of some of Mexico’s estimated 60,000 disappeared absorb the scene at La Gallera ranch in northern Veracruz.

    A few metres from an abandoned single-storey house, an outdoor brick oven was once used to make the traditional corn dish zacahuil. After the Los Zetas cartel took over the ranch in 2011, however, it was used to incinerate its victims. In this part of Mexico, someone explains, brutality has stained language: "to zacahuil" can now mean to cook humans.

    In one of 12 “kitchens” recently discovered by families in northern Veracruz, volunteers and forensic examiners in white protective suits and face masks use sieves to search for fragments of human bones, teeth and nails in mounds of compacted grey ash.

  9. by Indy! on December 16, 2023 9:27 am

    I said I knew some cartel members - not all of them. I leave wild fairy tales like that to people like yourself - folks with more experience lying. So far as your hysterical Fox News reports... first off... they're Fox "News" reports so it's about 30/70 odds they're actually true. Secondly, if any of them are actually true - welcome to the real world. I would think someone who (allegedly) "served" in the military would know that people are killed every day on this planet. But I guess maybe not too many out in the base parking lot where you're policing up cigarette butts.

  10. by oldedude on December 16, 2023 10:01 am
    Did you find your mom? or was she in the cockshed?

    This is actually a representative sample of the cartels. I'm calling bullshit on your claim. Unless you were the pivot boy for them.

  11. by Indy! on December 16, 2023 5:45 pm

    I never lost my mom, Odorous. And I got the feeling your mom didn't actually get "lost" either, OD. Most likely that was just the story your dad made up so you wouldn't cry quite as hard and long if you knew the real story. 😉

  12. by oldedude on December 16, 2023 5:55 pm
    To "the 'artist formally known as "princess"
    My mom was dead before you became a fukking bitch. you were bent over so quickly no one noticed. And my dad died before her. So you fucking little bitch, you'd better check your shit (and your mama's teeth) before you talk any shit about mine. You've gone waaay to far for me not to talk about fucking your mama but having to double wear condoms because she was too far gone with STDs. My guess is that she either sold her soul to Satan or pledged her soul to all the stupid fucks that had sex with her to the devil. Which was it you stupid fuck? Is mama too much for you? Or are you just a little bitch of the antiChrist? Either way, you're living in a hell no one can "survive." You've sold your soul. Deal with it dickhead.

  13. by Indy! on December 16, 2023 7:45 pm

    Okay, so they said your parents were dead - same thing. They're probably living it up somewhere in South America glad they don't have their little serial killer son around anymore waiting for the proper moment to do the dirty deed to them.

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