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Just a quick guide to sheeple Myths of Guns
By oldedude
December 7, 2023 10:54 am
Category: Weaponry

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I think most people almost believe that guns don't put themselves together, load themselves, and kill people. Or maybe they don't say it because they don't like me laughing at them.

Here are some myths and facts. The article has the references they use to make their cases. So all the sheeple out there, before you make yourselves stoopid, you can look at the original sources of the information in detail.

In the photos, these are all competitive female shooters, all record holders, or medal winners. The last one is a Bronze medal winner in the Paralympics in Rio.

Myth: Private ownership of guns is not effective in preventing crime

“Victims who have and use guns have both lower losses and lesser injury rates from violent crime.” 1

GUNS AND CRIME PREVENTION - Armed Felon Attitudes toward Armed Victims
Fact: Every year, people in the United States use guns to defend themselves against criminals an estimated 2,500,000 times – more than 6,500 people a day, or once every 13 seconds. 2 Of these instances, 15.7% of the people using firearms defensively stated that they “almost certainly” saved their lives by doing so.

Fact: Even the government’s estimate, which has a major methodology problem, 3 estimates people defend themselves 235,700 times each year with guns. 4

Fact: Victims with guns “would reduce … the criminals’ incentives to commit violent crimes and to be armed.” 5

Fact: The number of times per year an American uses a firearm to deter a home invasion alone is 498,000. 6

Fact: In 83.5% (2,087,500) of these successful gun defenses, the attacker either threatened or used force first, proving that guns are very well suited for self-defense. 7

Fact: There are approximately 182,000 defensive gun uses in public each year. 8

Fact: The rate of defensive gun use (DGU) is six times that of criminal gun use. 9

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 times citizens use guns to defend themselves, 92% merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. 10

Fact: In most of the remaining 8% of defensive gun uses, a citizen never wounds his or her attacker (they fire warning shots), and in less than one in a thousand instances is the attacker killed. 11

Fact: 41% of justifiable homicides using a gun were by private citizens, the others by law enforcement. 12

Fact: In one local review of firearm homicide, more than 12% were civilian legal defensive homicides. 13

Fact: For every accidental death (802), suicide (16,869) or homicide (11,348) 14 with a firearm (29,019), 13 lives (390,000) 15 are preserved through defensive use.

Fact: When using guns in self-defense, 91.1% of the time, not a single shot is fired. 16

Fact: After the implementation of Canada’s 1977 gun controls prohibiting handgun possession for protection, the “breaking and entering” crime rate rose 25%, surpassing the American rate. 17

Myth: The small number of self-defense killings shows that private gun ownership does nothing
Most DGUs do not involve firing a gun. The average private gun owner who uses guns for self defense take non-fatal actions, such as brandishing the weapon. In other instances, they may fire a warning shot or intentionally would their attacker. 18

Myth: Armed civilians have no effect an mass shootings
One tracking database 19 shows that 41.3% of “active shooter events” were terminated by armed civilians. Outside of “gun free zones” the rate climbs to 63.5%.

Myth: You are more likely to be injured or killed using a gun for self-defense
You are far more likely to survive violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. 25

Myth: Guns are not effective in preventing crime against women
Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 26

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)

1995 2003 % Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 27

Fact:28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 28

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 29

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

- Rape Rate in England and Wales before and after major gun control actsFact:Bold Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 30

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 31

Cited and related links:


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Comments on "Just a quick guide to sheeple Myths of Guns":

  1. by Indy! on December 7, 2023 1:04 pm

    The only "myth" you exposed with that post is the one about you having a master's degree in anything except bullshit. That website is a pro-gun site (a child with a 4th grade education could figure that out) and all those "facts" have been debunked many times over - most of them in the article I posted the other day. But don't fret, OD - nobody's trying to take your penis guns away. 🙄

  2. by oldedude on December 7, 2023 2:22 pm
    And yet you still refuse to cite. It tells me you have no penis nor any other male components. Either put up or STFU. Either, I don't care.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on December 7, 2023 2:43 pm
    Fact: Of the 2,500,000 times citizens use guns to defend themselves, 92% merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. 10

    Fact: In most of the remaining 8% of defensive gun uses, a citizen never wounds his or her attacker (they fire warning shots), and in less than one in a thousand instances is the attacker killed. 11 ---OD

    8% of 2,500,000 is 200,000. Less than one in 1,000 is fewer than 200 attackers killed.

    Earlier you posted "Many more criminals are killed or wounded each year by armed citizens than by the police; this proves that owning a gun is possibly the most effective way to protect oneself from crime."

    There about 1000 lethal police shootings per year in the US (Statista). How do you square your claim about civilian shootings vs. police shootings?

  4. by oldedude on December 7, 2023 8:21 pm
    he FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2020 indicates that armed private citizens killed more criminals during the commission of a felony last year than were killed by police, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says this data clearly underscores the continuing need for American gun ownership.

    “We looked at Tables 14 and 15 in the FBI’s new report that apply to justifiable homicides by law enforcement and private citizens, respectively,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Last year, according to the data, armed citizens killed 343 criminals during the commission of a felony while police fatally shot 298 felons.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on December 7, 2023 9:05 pm
    If the FBI statistics are correct, then the site is wrong about the number of fatal shootings of criminals by civilians.

  6. by oldedude on December 8, 2023 12:28 am
    One is from the UCR (Uniform Crimes Reporting) database. This is a "voluntary" database, although many times the jurisdiction uses these stats for grant money. In the 1980s-1990s, jurisdictions were known to lie about gun stats in order to appear to have less gun crime. It has gotten better when they figured out they weren't getting money for prevention programs. Most agencies make UCR mandatory now.

    The other is from "National Use-of-Force Data Collection" and is collected by request and is LEA centric.

    So the stats on them are asking different questions and collecting different data. You had to get on the sites to see the differences.

  7. by oldedude on December 8, 2023 6:37 am
    Oh, just an FYSA, they were both FBI/DOJ reports. They were coming from two different angles though. One was looking at overall stats, the other was studying Use of Force issues. They're both legit, just different facets. For IA folks and trainers, they would use the Use of Force for the officers. It's important none the less.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on December 8, 2023 6:59 am


    Preach it, bruh!

  9. by Indy! on December 8, 2023 10:11 am

    Curt - it's not even worth discussing with OD. His gun is his god and nothing is going to change that. Another sure sign he has never stepped foot into an institution of higher learning, much less earned a degree of any kind.

  10. by oldedude on December 8, 2023 3:33 pm
    I can't help it if curt (or you) read a post before you talk about it. That makes you look just stoopid.

  11. by Indy! on December 8, 2023 7:27 pm

    I've seen your fact "statistics" a million times from every gun nut on the internet, OD. As usual - when it comes to any kind of information - you're a day late and a dollar short. Everything on your list has been debunked by actual science - not people with an agenda and a vivd imagination like the NRA.

  12. by oldedude on December 8, 2023 7:28 pm
    And you still refuse to show actual proof. Therefore, you're nothing but bullshit.

  13. by oldedude on December 9, 2023 3:17 am
    curt- Honestly, what we're talking about here is a core value. Much like donna's view on killing. Again. It's a core value. I knew that neither of us were going to budge on this. Maybe I would appreciate some softening in your position, but a change? I didn't think so. I appreciate you sticking to looking at facts and evidence.

    The "problem" with core values is that people don't change those often. That is the fact of it. Maybe that you truly understand that responsible gun owners aren't the ones committing mass murders. Most of the shootings at religious meetings are stopped by a responsible gun owner, not by police. Why? because these places are protecting themselves and it's a small, localized group. No magic about it. We're starting to see elderly Jews provided armed escort to synagogue. It's a shame we have to do that, but welcome to the world as it is. There are many trainings for houses of worship, and how to secure your service.

    I think there are some points we agree on. We have always agreed on (like I've said) is an ill prepared cowboy flailing around. They're a danger to themselves and anyone within range of their bullets (up to a mile).

    I'm not fond with the carry law in FL. It says if you can buy a gun you can carry it concealed. Unlike the "cowboy," I train. The people around me train at least twice a month.

    I'm also not fond of the "castle doctrine" in FL. You don't have to warn the person trying to get in that you are there. As a responsible gun owner, I use my experience and give someone at least a chance to retreat. OR identify themselves and deescalate the situation.

  14. by Indy! on December 9, 2023 4:55 pm

    We have to escort people to service because guns are so prevalent in this country. No other industrialized country feels the need to do that. Why? Because flooding the market with guns and continually selling the ludicrous notion you can't make it thru the day without a weapon leads to what we have - mass killings on a daily basis.

    Intelligent people understand this. Idiots say things like "guns are inanimate objects - they don't kill". 🙄

  15. by oldedude on December 9, 2023 5:09 pm
    They are also doing it in France & Germany.

  16. by oldedude on December 9, 2023 5:36 pm
    And you've never had a thought that would work in your life.

  17. by Curt_Anderson on December 9, 2023 5:52 pm
    Since you explained your views on gun ownership, including somethings that are not the approved the positions of the NRA, I'll share mine.

    One of my friends interned as a doctor in a south central LA hospital and he saw more than his share of shooting victims. He's also Canadian. More than once he has called for guns to be outlawed. My response is "good idea, now you need to just find 38 states to repeal the 2nd Amendment". In other words Americans will always have the right to own guns and I am OK with that.

    I do however believe that are constitutional steps that could reduce gun violence. The largest source of stolen guns are parked cars--often with the guns left in plain sight. By definition, stolen guns are in the hands of criminals. I suspect that gunowners could be reminded that they forgot their gun in the car with some sort of airtag technology built into the gun and connected to their key fob. There has also been an under-the-seat "lockbox" solution suggested.

    Another source of stolen guns are gun dealers that don't properly secure their guns after hours. According to The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), from 2017 to 2021, 5,395 Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) theft incidents were reported. During these incidents, a total of 34,339 firearms were stolen from FFLs. Theft from FFLs account for 3 percent of all firearms stolen in the United States, and many of these firearms end up being used in other crimes.

    Senator Capito (R-WV) wants to increase the penalties for “smash-and-grab” thefts from gun dealers. It makes more sense to mandate hardening the gun storage at gun stores--especially at night.

  18. by Indy! on December 9, 2023 6:04 pm

    I can attest to the car thing. While in college I parked cars on Miami Beach and people left their guns in the car all the time - often on the seat next to the driver. Which begs the question - wHaT woUlD tHoSE peOpLe Do IF a MASs sHooTEr sHoWEd Up wHiLE tHey WerE dIsCO dAncINg tHe nIGhT aWaY wIThoUt ThEIr penis gUn?!!!!

  19. by oldedude on December 9, 2023 6:19 pm
    I do agree with you both on leaving your gun in the car. If carrying, I always wear in. If we're going to drink even one drink, the gun stays at home. Period. End of story. They do have lock boxes for the trunk. Good idea if you're an undercover, etc. That's a rookie move. And, at the best, really f**ing stupid. We're in agreement.

    curt- you and I have talked about the thefts. I was stunned at that, but looked it up (so I could argue). Alas, you are correct about that. So that is another thing.

    There are some other things. The first is not to be f***ing afraid of not giving a gun to an unstable person. Red flag would be okay IF the person has their day in court. If not. It's illegal from a due process standpoint.

    People who own guns need to be skilled. I've known people that bought guns, use them for "self defense" and have never picked it up, or used it. They're going to kill themselves, their kids, or the cop responding to their call.

    Most of the folks I know actually practice calling a breakin to your house to dispatch. It really helps not only dispatch, but the officers getting onscene. Once I call dispatch, that operator is talking to me all the way through. That way, when I give commands to the butthead. it's on tape. The commands I give him or on tape. What he does is on tape because I talk about them to the operator. And the report is on tape.

  20. by Indy! on December 9, 2023 6:38 pm

    So you want gun owners to be "skilled" yet you're also okay with any 18 yr old teenager suffering from angst-filled rage because some girl won't date him buying an AK to shoot up his school? This is where - yes - the preponderance of guns ends in people being murdered.

    Did I understand that last paragraph correctly? You call the cops to report a break-in just to test their response time? And you don't get arrested for a false alarm call? Or at least billed for their time you wasted? 🤔 Do that down here and you would certainly be answering to a judge.

  21. by oldedude on December 9, 2023 7:50 pm
    I tried to make peace. I really did. but fuck you and your STD ridden, toothless mother and sister. I know you don't believe that you have any responsibility in anything in the world.

    So you want gun owners to be "skilled" yet you're also okay with any 18 yr old teenager suffering from angst-filled rage because some girl won't date him buying an AK to shoot up his school?

    No. Like I said this time and several times prior. There need to be safeties and stops. I said that "Red flag would be okay IF the person has their day in court. If not. It's illegal from a due process standpoint."

    You're a dickhead that took me completely out of context. So go back to your toothless mother and sister bitch.

    You call the cops to report a break-in just to test their response time? And you don't get arrested for a false alarm call? Or at least billed for their time you wasted?

    You're a dickhead that took me completely out of context. So go back to your toothless mother and sister bitch. NO. I do that for my safety, the safety of the officers, and for the courts. If I do something wrong, it's recorded. And the cops get updates every second I'm encounter, say, three people breaking into my house, have already killed my dog, and are going to murder my wife, my grandkids and me protecting them. You don't have a concept of the real world, since you live in fairyland. delicate bitch.

  22. by Indy! on December 9, 2023 9:06 pm

    You live where? Ocala? Yeah, what a dangerous place. You should call the National Guard and make sure they're ready to step in if some of the farmers in your area decide to form a terrorist cell and blow up your house to kill your... dog. 😂

  23. by oldedude on December 9, 2023 11:43 pm
    Sorry. Wrong again. You need to pay better attention.

  24. by Indy! on December 10, 2023 1:49 am

    Let me take another guess… Waldo? You’re a security guard at Raiford.

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