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Rachel Maddow interviewed Liz Cheney on last night's show
By Donna
December 5, 2023 8:42 am
Category: Politics

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The interview starts around the 26:00 mark and continues through the end of the show.

Jen Psaki is going to interview Liz Cheney next Monday.

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Comments on "Rachel Maddow interviewed Liz Cheney on last night's show ":

  1. by Indy! on December 5, 2023 8:45 am

    Liz Cheney is still alive? 🤔

  2. by HatetheSwamp on December 5, 2023 1:21 pm

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Liz! No one has ever traveled further riding on daddy's coattails. Eh?

  3. by Indy! on December 5, 2023 9:11 pm

    Hmmmm.... could be.

  4. by Ponderer on December 6, 2023 7:13 am

    It was a really great interview. I even liked how Rachel took about twenty minutes to give the full back story between her and Liz to accentuate just what a momentous meeting this was. There needs to be more crossover type endeavors between Blue and Red like this. Liz brought up how it is in everyone's interest to keep Trump from another term as president.

    At the end of their totally pleasant interview, Rachel is saying her goodbys and tells Liz that she hopes they can do this again real soon. That she "has a lot of things she wants to fight with her about". Liz laughed and said they would.

  5. by Indy! on December 6, 2023 12:05 pm

    We have too much red blue crossover already imho.

  6. by Donna on December 6, 2023 12:09 pm

    Why are you of all people differentiating between the two parties?

  7. by HatetheSwamp on December 6, 2023 12:51 pm

    Like it or not, Rachel is as brainless as Sean Hannity. The fact that you agree with her doesn't give her insight. She's an, as po'd say, MSNBC exactly what Hannity is to the Fox crowd.

    Still, your adoration is cute. So very, very cute.

  8. by Ponderer on December 6, 2023 1:46 pm

    Actually, both Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity are very intelligent people. You're actually a very terrible judge of people, Bill. Has anyone other than me ever told you that? Or are they all too embarrassed for you to say? You are only showing your own ignorance by saying such a thing.

    I may hate Hannity profusely. But I will not discount the man's intelligence. I'm not like some retarded, bald, MAGA-Hatted conservative who attacks people's intelligence just because they don't like them, or say things that they don't like.

    You don't have to be all that, Bill.

  9. by Donna on December 7, 2023 7:11 am

    Hate is so addicted to arguing that he's resorted to cyber-stalking me. If this were setup like Facebook, I'd report him and/or block his ass.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on December 7, 2023 7:18 am

    How is pb cyber stalking you, Donna!!!!!?

    You are the author of, in my opinion, the most egregious hate I've encountered on SS... ever. I'm pi$$ed at you with absolute justification... in my opinion. I'm not inclined to turn away from it.

  11. by Ponderer on December 7, 2023 7:48 am

    "How is pb cyber stalking you, Donna!!!!!?

    You are the author of, in my opinion, the most egregious hate I've encountered on SS... ever."

    pb is stalking her by continually pummeling her with this asinine bullshit pb has made up about her being a Neo-Nazi, you fuckingasshole. You fuckingtwat.

    (I'm sorry... I meant pb is a fuckingasshole. I meant that pb is a fuckingtwat.)

    According to your assessment, the vast majority of the population of the entire world consists of Neo-Nazis. We hold no different opinions than the majority of Planet Earth does regarding the deplorably genocidal treatment of the Gazans at the hands of the Israeli military, and their treatment in general of Palestinians for decades.

    Most Americans (yourself apparently included) have absolutely no idea what an outlier this country is when it comes to Israels crimes against humanity.

    And this was even before October 7th...

    UN condemned Israel more than all other countries combined in 2022

    3 January 2023

    NEW YORK — The United Nations General Assembly passed more resolutions critical of Israel than against all other nations combined in 2022, contributing to what observers call an ongoing lopsided focus on the Jewish state at the world body.

    The General Assembly approved 15 anti-Israel resolutions last year, versus 13 resolutions criticizing other countries, according to a tally by the pro-Israel monitoring group UN Watch.

    Russia was the focus of six resolutions condemning its invasion of Ukraine. North Korea, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, Iran and the US were hit with one resolution each.

    Saudi Arabia, China, Lebanon, Turkey, Venezuela and Qatar, which have poor human rights records or were involved in regional conflicts, were not dinged by any resolutions criticizing them.

    Since 2015, the General Assembly has adopted 140 resolutions criticizing Israel, mainly over its treatment of the Palestinians, its relationships with neighboring countries and other alleged wrongdoings. Over the same period, it has passed 68 resolutions against all other countries, UN Watch said.

    In the 193-nation assembly’s most recent anti-Israel resolution Friday, it approved a call for the International Court of Justice to weigh in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    The resolution promoted by the Palestinians passed by a vote of 87 in favor, 26 against, with 53 abstentions.

  12. by Indy! on December 7, 2023 7:50 am

    As happened with South Africa - the world is getting fed up with the apartheid.

  13. by Ponderer on December 7, 2023 7:52 am

    It's been fed up with them for quite some time, Indy!.

  14. by HatetheSwamp on December 7, 2023 8:06 am

    According to your assessment, the vast majority of the population of the entire world consists of Neo-Nazis.

    Vast majority? Probably not.

    But, I've said, though, that the UN is as antisemitic as the KKK. I'm bang on there. Hating Jewish people and advocating for the destruction of Israel is common...and it is as evil as evil ever is.

    When I say that, IMO, Donna is an elitist progressive Neo Neo-Nazi, I'm expressing my honest opinion. You too. I'm appalled and disgusted by what both of you have posted here about the Jews and Israel.

    And, apparently, neither you two, nor I will change our minds.

    Honestly, I think that what you think is evil. You won't convince me otherwise.

  15. by Ponderer on December 7, 2023 10:40 am

    "But, I've said, though, that the UN is as antisemitic as the KKK." -Hate

    I suppose you are forced to, Bill. Aren't you.

    "When I say that, IMO, Donna is an elitist progressive Neo Neo-Nazi, I'm expressing my honest opinion." -Hate

    Fortunately, your opinion is as meaningless and worthless as used toilet paper. You couldn't be more wrong about either of us. Not that it matters t a bit to you that you are.

    "I'm appalled and disgusted by what both of you have posted here about the Jews and Israel." -Hate

    Most Americans would be too if they became aware of the truth about how Israel has treated Palestinians in the Occupied Territories for many decades. But I guess that the UN is supposed to just turn a blind eye to it all, eh?

    Israel is exempt from committing any human rights violations against anyone like Trump is immune from doing anything illegal, right?

  16. by Ponderer on December 7, 2023 11:36 am

    I love it. The U.N., the organization that formed and officiated the creation of Israel as a country, "as antisemitic as the KKK".

    My god, the mental gymnastics you need to do to keep believing stupid idiot things, Bill.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on December 7, 2023 12:26 pm

    It absolutely is, po. No doubt.

  18. by Ponderer on December 7, 2023 2:11 pm

    "It absolutely is, po. No doubt." -Hate

    How do you figure? How is the UN as antisemitic as the KKK? There's nothing to even base such a stupid idiot notion on, Bill.

  19. by oldedude on December 7, 2023 2:20 pm
    Since the 1970's/80's, the UN has gotten decidedly pro China. Pro Hamas (and all the other alphabet soups of radical Islam), and anti Israel, anti US, anti West. I think the turning point was when Yasar Arafat spoke to the general assembly. Anyway. If someone saw it now, they wouldn't recognize the body when they were formed.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on December 7, 2023 2:43 pm

    This is po's narcissism you've identified, OD.

    po centers the universe, so UN bias against Jews and Israel, because it reflects po's own hate, is not noticeable to po.

  21. by Ponderer on December 7, 2023 3:54 pm

    Look, It's obvious that you guys are just spewing balderdash out of desperation and your asses. You're just saying that the UN is antisemitic. Your aren't giving any examples of how they are at all. You two simply saying things is no proof that they are.

    Couldn't you give me just one little tiny teeny-weeny example of something antisemitic that the UN has done...? Please...? Just one...........?

    (Like they ever would. What a hopeless optimist I am.)

    "Pro Hamas (and all the other alphabet soups of radical Islam)" -olde dude

    And that flaming malarkey I'm simply going to call total bullshit on without hesitation. olde dude is completely fullofshit with that baseless nonsense.

    He will now prove that he's fullofshit by not providing a single example of the UN being antisemitic to uphold a single one of his asinine, racist assertions.

    "po centers the universe, so UN bias against Jews and Israel, because it reflects po's own hate, is not noticeable to po." -Hate

    Now how in the hell do you expect me to be able to take any notice of anything that is made up purely of figments of your demented imagination?

    You racist assholes have got nothing.

  22. by oldedude on December 7, 2023 8:10 pm
    And that flaming malarkey I'm simply going to call total bullshit on without hesitation. olde dude is completely fullofshit with that baseless nonsense.

    You can call it what the fuck you want. You are by far the MOST uninformed voter I've ever heard of. You're driven only by your "feelings." Fuck facts. Have you even paid attention to WTF the UN has done in the past 5 years?

    They have been teaching your besties (Hamas Children) how to be terrorists, like we've said many times, and I included a video. That's one reason I can pretty safely say that Gaza is virtually 100% Hamas. Those are UN schools. With books sanctioned by the UN.

    I'm going to stop there. You're not worth my time.

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