I stumbled across this through a happy accident.
You progressives here amuse me in your smugness regarding people who resist being vaxxed.
Earlier today, I linked to a New York Times article which mentioned that it is blacks, not white Trump Bubbas who are very fiercely resist being vaccinated.
Not long after that, I was scanning a news site because it is always on the ball about tracking hurricanes. We're heading south next week and I wanted to see what I could find out about Fred. While I was there, I looked around and found this headline.
I happened to be in public and I had to fight back the urge to effin LOL! Bahahahaha.
So, it seems that it is Ph. Ds., a group made up entirely of people who have demonstrated the capability to think original thoughts at an advanced level, who are most resistant to getting vaccinated. Bahahahaha. Too sweet.
So, you can stop now with your self serving factless myth that the stupid aren't smart enough to be vaxxed. Bahahahaha, ahhhhhh! Apparently, you're too stupid not to be vaxxed!
What a day! First I prove that people who demean the vaccine hesitant are racists. Now this! What an effin day!!!!!
Bahahahaha hahahahahaha hoohoohoohoohoohoo hehehehehehehe hahahahahaha hoohoohoohoohoohoo hehehehehehehe hoohoohoohoohoohoo hehehehehehehe hoohoohoohoohoohoo hehehehehehehe hoohoohoohoohoohoo hehehehehehehe, ahhhhhh!