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Israel agrees to suspend Palestinian holocaust, eh Donna?
By HatetheSwamp
November 22, 2023 3:28 am
Category: Military

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Israel and Hamas reach deal to release 50 hostages and pause fighting for 4 days in Gaza

The fate of the some 240 hostages captured in the Hamas terror attack on Oct. 7 has been a source of anguish in Israel, with regular demonstrations demanding their release and mounting political pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Three Americans could be part of the first group of hostages released: two adults and a 3-year-old girl named Abigail, a senior Biden administration official said.

Meanwhile, more fuel trucks will also be allowed to enter Gaza, which Israel had previously resisted on the grounds this can be used by Hamas to launch rockets and power tunnels, along with as many as 300 to 400 daily humanitarian aid trucks, according to a senior U.S. official and a source familiar with the talks in the region.

So, po, Israel is just as bad as the German Nazis...but, maybe, not quite as bad!!!!!?

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Comments on "Israel agrees to suspend Palestinian holocaust, eh Donna?":

  1. by Donna on November 22, 2023 6:48 am

    I know. That's good news... for now. Then the killing will resume.

    Could you kill children?

  2. by HatetheSwamp on November 22, 2023 7:03 am

    Tell me, Donna, that you took the title of the thread seriously.

  3. by Donna on November 22, 2023 7:07 am

    I support the cease fire. I just wish it were going to be permanent.

  4. by Donna on November 22, 2023 7:08 am

    Why did you not answer my question?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on November 22, 2023 7:30 am

    Because it was insulting...and, scary because you yourself didn't denounce the Hamas murders of Jewish children...

    ...until, as OD put it, you were shamed.

    My sense of you, from 10/7 on, is that you couldn't kill children but, with Jewish children, you could stand by and cheer it..., in effect, you did on SS on 10/7.

  6. by Donna on November 22, 2023 7:46 am

    I can't stop you from turning me into a caricature of some depraved evil figure so that you can have someone to spew your pent-up hatred at, but I seriously do recommend that you see a psychologist, because I'm tired of being a proxy.

    If you want to argue with real Nazis, then I would suggest that you attend a Trump rally, not that most Trumpers are Nazis, but many American Nazis do support Trump, and you might find one there who you can spew your disgust at.

  7. by oldedude on November 22, 2023 9:53 am
    Donna, The issue is that the NAZIs and Hamas agree on this point. They're more than willing to do that.

    You need to ask one with first hand knowledge because to ask someone that doesn't have first hand knowledge, it's just "do you still beat your wife?" question, and people are extremely myopic about it.

    How old? Does the kid have a gun? Does the kid have an RPG round with wires attached to it? Can you see a trigger, or is it a remote? Is it a school room with 50 other children in the room that will die?

    You're "assuming" every (what you consider a "child" is pure as the driven snow and innocent as the day they were born). It's not in your reality that these people will do this to pay a family debt. To get food and water because Hamas has access and the people don't. Maybe they'll do it for a dowry for a daughter. Maybe they'll do it to keep the rest of the family alive.

  8. by Indy! on November 22, 2023 10:03 am

    I have a question for those supporting Israel and Ukraine....

    Why are you AGAINST the "nazis" in Hamas - but you're SUPPORTING the (actual) Nazis in Ukraine?

  9. by Donna on November 23, 2023 6:53 am

    The Ukrainian Nazi thing is a ruse that Putin promoted to justify invading Ukraine.

    od - I'm aware of all of that. I couldn't fire a missile into a building knowing that there are probably civilians, including children there. There are a lot of people who could do that, though, maybe even you. I think it's primitive and barbaric.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on November 24, 2023 4:30 am

    I can't stop you from turning me into a caricature of some depraved evil figure so that you can have someone to spew your pent-up hatred at, but I seriously do recommend that you see a psychologist, because I'm tired of being a proxy.

    If you want to argue with real Nazis, then I would suggest that you attend a Trump rally, not that most Trumpers are Nazis, but many American Nazis do support Trump, and you might find one there who you can spew your disgust at.

    No, Donna. From the first moments that news of the Hamas atrocities broke, you've done nothing on SS but spout, as Curt's gay Guy says, "JewHate" propaganda. Neo-Nazis would have ignored the heartbreaking accounts of the rapes and murders to decry Israel shutting off the fresh water faucet to Gaza. Neo-Nazis would still be thinking of what Israel is doing to defend its civilian population as a Palestinian holocaust.

    Like it or not, you're a elite Neo-Nazi. It stuns me. But, you are exactly that. Nothing less.

    As far as people who attend Trump rallies being Neo-Nazis, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. If there's an American group that might hand Israel a blank check to conduct a Palestinian holocaust, it's the Trump rally crowd.

    What I want to know honestly is where you're getting your news...

    ...because you're being misled.

  11. by Ponderer on November 24, 2023 6:22 am

    "Like it or not, you're a elite Neo-Nazi. It stuns me. But, you are exactly that. Nothing less." -Hate

    Fortunately, the blatantly and demonstrably erroneous opinion of a demented, senile, willfully pig-ignorant Trump foot soldier who is only trying to make himself feel better about his racist proclivities concerning the slaughter of certain thousands of innocent children and adults is absolutely worthless. Your comments have no basis in reality whatsoever. Other than of course to vividly illustrate what a goddamned fuckingasshole of a shamelessly lying twat you are, Bill.

  12. by Donna on November 24, 2023 6:32 am

    You know, it crossed my mind that perhaps Evie worked yesterday so that she wouldn't have to spend Thanksgiving with you.

    I think you have mental issues, Hate. Seriously.

  13. by oldedude on November 24, 2023 8:46 am
    od - I'm aware of all of that. I couldn't fire a missile into a building knowing that there are probably civilians, including children there. There are a lot of people who could do that, though, maybe even you. I think it's primitive and barbaric.

    I'm not trying to be a dick. My emphasis is all a matter of cost: benefit ratio. And nothing in war is clearly defined.

    You used the term "probable." I would use the term "assumed" (a higher level, and unconfirmed) in this case.

    You make sense regarding trying to protect civilian lives at all costs. Hamas knows that also. They are using those civilian lives as a weapon of war. That is one of the reasons the IDF was trying to get people out of Gaza, to mitigate those deaths. They have been trying to take that weapon out of the hands of Hamas, knowing there will be inflated numbers of civilian deaths regardless of the true statistics.

    So the IDF has to think of two things. They don't have the luxury of "all civilian deaths regardless of the benefit." And yet, they need to think of the civilian perceived, real, and "reported" number of civilians killed. I think they've done a good job regardless of the "reported" losses (which are still grossly inflated).

    Those guiding the missiles, or dropping the bombs are given a target. Period. The cost of civilian lives is handled (in our case) on a pentagon/ administrative staff level. Sometimes the president is in on the decision. I don't know how IDF works.

    Let's say the IDF knows that if they bomb under a certain building, the war will end. It's assumed there are ~100 civilians held hostage in the building above. It would take the IDF a major regiment (~2000 troops) to attack the building above and get to the heavily armed section below. Cost to the IDF. Severe. What do you do?

    Last thing. I appreciate us sitting down and talking about this. So thank you for that.

  14. by Donna on November 24, 2023 10:32 am

    You're welcome, od. And thanks for your thoughtful response.

    The reason I never considered enlisting is because I didn't ever want to be put in a position where I had to kill people, especially civilians and especially children. Had I been drafted, I would have easily qualified as a consciencious objector because everyone in my family would have vouched for me that I even avoid killing bugs.

    To answer your last question, I think that protecting the lives of civilians should always be top priority no matter how difficult or dangerous a situation it creates for military personnel because at least they're able to defend themselves.

  15. by oldedude on November 24, 2023 1:51 pm
    Thanks again. And your answer didn't shock me at all. I believe that's a core value for you. Which is a pretty good one to have. Kudos.

  16. by Donna on November 25, 2023 8:14 am

    Thanks, od.

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